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My family has been really working on bettering our eating habits again. Only this time, it has really taken. Not just mom saying "low carb is healthier for you" or "if it has sugar or corn syrup we aren't eating it." Even the kids have stood up for their carrots, red peppers, or cucumbers in their lunches at school, despite the objections of their peers. I think we're getting to the point of actually preferring veggies, beans, fruits, fish, oatmeal, rye or pumpernickel bread, water... It feels good to finish a meal without any digestive problems, no headaches, knowing you didn't eat anything you regret. Have you changed any habits? Feeling better?

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I think I've been maintaining a sensible diet for many years. Not overly strict, but I am mindful of what I eat. I allow myself some "cheat" days, which in the long run, works best for me.

I think if I were to completely deprive myself of some comfort foods...I'd fall off the wagon and stay off it.

So...although I don't usually eat the foods I grew up eating....I sometimes have them. Eat more fruits and veggies than I did as a kid, though.

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LOL i thought this thread was about the Elvis movie CHANGE OF HABIT......

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Oh wow! We've talked about it but haven't done it yet. We need to be more like you guys! Wtg!!
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Hi september! I know you're healthy, you run marathons!

I'm with you on the not eating things we grew up on. We ate good foods but just as many not so good. I suppose its one of those "when you know better, you do better" things. The kids are active but DH & I need to add more exercise to everyday, not just weekends.

sunshineWinkI've clicked onto plenty of threads that surprised me too! *chuckle*

pinkwblingplz you can do it!

Its been a process for us, we're not pros but you'll be surprised how quickly you get into reading nutrition labels and actually see whats a better choice. I wasn't initially too popular when a mega salad was dinner and celery, carrots, cukes, and peppers replaced cheese puffs and brownies! You build commitment and a more vegetarian menu everyone likes. They really got on board when we discussed preventing cancers and disease through healthy choices. Blueberries and broccoli got real exciting! Now they'll ask me to make them a mounded cucumber, lettuce and mustard on toasted rye sandwich!

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First- I thought we were talking about a movie too. Second- if you've ever weighed 260 pounds on a small 5'4" frame, you no longer think of certain foods as "comfort". In fact, when I think of eating a dozen Dunkin Donuts in the car and throwing the evidence away in a cemetery, that's major DIS-comfort for me. It bothers me too that kids should have to defend their food choices, whatever they eat.
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I changed what I ingested back in the mid 1970's, and I've never looked back.I am happy this seems to be working for you and your family.
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On 1/29/2015 sunshine45 said:

LOL i thought this thread was about the Elvis movie CHANGE OF HABIT......

{} I thought the same thing, great movie.

I am going through allergy testing now and while I don't have all the results back yet I am allergic to a lot of food so far. Once I get all the results back in 4 weeks I don't know what's left to eat and what I can substitute instead. Do I hire someone to plan me a menu because I need help figuring this out. I need food I don't have to cook plus I am never hungry which makes it more difficult. What if you don't like fruits and veggies and salads are out of the question.

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luvmyteddy when my daughter was diagnosed with diabetes, her doctor sent us to a diabetic educator and a registered dietitian. They both gave us lists of how much food, which types of food, menu plans, and web sites to help us plan her meals. I'm sure your doctor would do the same especially if you tell him/her you need some direction. Our insurance paid for these and any follow-up educational classes.

Don't worry, you'll feel better soon when you're on the right track and your allergies subside.

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I started years ago by cutting out red meat almost entirely and eating chicken and fish/seafood.

I concentrate on collecting recipes for light food, especially vegetables. I follow several healthy food bloggers who make wonderful food.

I eat almost no dairy and use 30 calorie almond milk for cereal. With the cereal, I include chia seeds and ground flax seed, plus fresh blueberries and other seasonal berries.

I eat a high fiber diet, including high fiber cereal (from TJoe's) and high fiber multigrain bread. High fiber is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. It helps our digestive system and is good for the heart.

I don't drink any kind of soda, but I do drink tea, morning and night. Organic Jasmine at dinner.

We only have desserts for holidays and birthdays.

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