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If we had someone do our hair and makeup for 8 hours we would all look like Hollywood. It is smoke and mirrors for the most part. In Fact many of the stars have worse wrinkles and skin issues that probably most normal people.

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OK, I'm officially a dinosaur, who is this?

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On 11/7/2014 deepwaterdotter said:

OK, I'm officially a dinosaur, who is this?

Faith Hill married for 18 years to Tim McGraw probably in the next few years could easily be a Grandmother (hope not) She cut all or hair off in a Pixie she wore to the awards this week. She will always be a beauty.

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I think Faith still looks pretty, even in the without makeup picture.

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I used to do make-up and I can tell you ....most of us look a lot better with it than without it...myself included! This should make us all feel good!!! Just think.... if Hollywood could give theirs up....we could give ours up!! It would save me a ton of money.

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Of course she looks better with makeup. Who doesn't? She does have nice facial features and a great figure.

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Some women are natural beauties, but not very many. If many of us were pampered and fawned over in a makep chair, had access to the best stylists out there, we'd look pretty darn good, too. I see these teasers and links to pics of stars caught without makeup all over the web. I never open them.
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There are really 3 levels of makeup: None, Every Day & Photoshoot. The makeup we see in mags, etc., is so incredibly thick w/ false eyelashes, etc....there's no way we would recognize them even in Every Day makeup. It IS shocking...Faith, though, has "good bone structure" (Paper Moon)!

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No comment.
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On 11/7/2014 gazelle77 said:

If we had someone do our hair and makeup for 8 hours we would all look like Hollywood. It is smoke and mirrors for the most part. In Fact many of the stars have worse wrinkles and skin issues that probably most normal people.

I think the majority of us women look better than these stars.