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@JaneMarple wrote:

@truffle wrote:

Auto insurance rates will be sure to go up in those States that have legalized it especially for recreational use. There will be people who mistakenly will think it's ok to smoke it while driving to the show with their date or maybe even dumb enough to smoke it inside the theater.  

They already do that and have been for years. My first concert to Madison Square Garden in 1975 was full of pot smoke. 

So far my insurance has not gone up .

I mean when it causes accidents.  

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People drink and drive - have been for years. I am not condoning it, just saying...


There are more accidents resulting from this because there are more people on the roads now than ever before.


People also have been smoking pot for years too. Legal or not. I do not know what the statistics are on that and accidents. 


I think some people do not need to stop doing anything to keep from driving like idiots - they're just idiots, period - they just need to really  keep off the roads. We would all be a lot safer,



-Texas Hill Country-
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@CAMOGIRL wrote:

People drink and drive - have been for years. I am not condoning it, just saying...


There are more accidents resulting from this because there are more people on the roads now than ever before.


People also have been smoking pot for years too. Legal or not. I do not know what the statistics are on that and accidents. 


I think some people do not need to stop doing anything to keep from driving like idiots - they're just idiots, period - they just need to really  keep off the roads. We would all be a lot safer,



@CAMOGIRL   I have a friend who won't go over 35 mph.    She's probably more dangerous than speeders........................

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@fourpaws56 wrote:

marijuana has it's place like anything else...I would never drive under the influence of any drug be it prescription, alcohol or pot...


But lots of people are, and the more they legalize, the higher the incidents are going to become.

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@sandraskates wrote:

@JaneMarple@Kachina624  I heard about the increase in marijuana related traffic accidents in Colorado.

Here a link:


The stats start like this:

Here are the highlights in just three years since legalization:

  • Marijuana-related traffic deaths increased 48 percent.
  • Over 20 percent of all traffic deaths were marijuana related compared to only 10 percent six years ago.




this article is from late 2016......



Marijuana has had little impact so far on various public health measures in states where it has been legalized, according to a report from the Drug Policy Alliance released Thursday.


Three years after commercial marijuana markets first opened in Colorado and Washington, the nonprofit organization, which favors marijuana legalization, acknowledges that it is “too early to draw any line-in-the-sand conclusion about the effects of marijuana legalization.”


Here's what the DPA report found:


Teen marijuana use is unchanged.


Marijuana arrests are way down — but racial disparities remain.


Marijuana legalization appears to have had little impact on traffic fatalities.


Tax revenues have gone up, but make up a small slice of state budgets overall.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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My feeling is that people who want to smoke pot are smoking it.  If it becomes legal, is there going to be an influx of "new" smokers?

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The age group with the highest/accident rate and fatal injuries, is the 16-19 age group. On average age 16-19 rears old, 9 die every day from vehicle fatalities.


Texting while driving teen deaths-3,000. Driving while drunk-2,700. Alcohol is still one of, if not the #1 cause of vehicle fatalities, not legal or illegal drugs. And the stats say teen "texting is cause of most of the fatalities.


I don't drink/take mind altering legal or illegal drugs, or text while driving. I barely talk to anyone in the vehicle I am driving. My belief (62 years of accident free driving), is that talking within the vehicle can be a distraction, for me I don't chance it. A cell phone? Nothing should be that important to any driver of any vehicle, that they cannot wait until they park their vehicle.


Making drugs legal? I am not particularly fond of it, but not sure if it will greatly effect vehicle fatalities. In my humble opinion, more focus needs to be put on alcohol while driving, and talking or texting while operating any motor vehicle on any public roadway.


Stiff fines of at least 4 figures for 1st offense of either, and maybe even a few day stint in a County Jail. Take away at least 80% of their drivers license points for a minimum of 5 years. Stiff $$$ penalties/jail time, and leave those drivers with most of their "points" gone.


I would get into cell phones, be they hands free or hand to ear, but that is another long post from me. A distraction is a distraction, be it hands/eyes/feet or ears, and distractions are, in my opinion, one of the most dangerous acts of way too many drivers.







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@YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

I've become a much more defensive driver in the past year or so!





I have spent all my 62 driving years(accident free) as a defensive driver. Yes, even as a young teen. I paid for all of my cars/insurance and everything connected to driving a motor vehicle. A kid pays more attention to how many months/years they had to work to buy their own vehicles. Treat them with TLC. Kids given vehicles as a, "whatever gift? Mom/pop will take care of things. I knew many of those kids also.


Since I was also a auto racing junkie at the same time, I respected the power of motor vehicles, and how easily they could become a rolling weapon, by those that underestimate the potential of their vehicle to harm or kill others on the rose. Most of those drivers, in my opinion, also overestimated their driving abilities.


I took/take driving as one of the most serious and dangerous things I do on any given day. The more I drive, the more I wonder why there are not more wrecks than there are now. Talking/texting, even reading while driving, and a few other(ahem) distracting things.


For me the fun and safe part was driving on Sanctioned Race Tracks. The dangerous times was traveling hundreds of miles to get to those tracks. Racing dangerous? Nope driving there was more dangerous part of it. All 2 lane highways most of my racing years?


Nobody can drive accident free for very long if the are not a defensive driver. Any driver that thinks they can, is fooling themselves.





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@fourpaws56 wrote:

marijuana has it's place like anything else...I would never drive under the influence of any drug be it prescription, alcohol or pot...






Prescriptions? I have been on as many as 9 prescriptions at the same time, still driving accident free. Mind altering prescriptions? Depends on ones knowledge of each prescription.


No way I plan on not driving because of my meds. If and when I feel they are effecting my abilities to drive any motor vehicle, I will quit driving. I do not drink/smoke/cell talk or text, barely even talk, to myself or others(4 or 2 legged passengers)





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I'm more concerned about people who text and drive.

I was in a serious accident with a 62 year old woman who was posting on FB.

My car was totalled, she almost died, lost her arm and had to retire from her teaching job.

Studies have shown that texting impairs people as much as drugs of any kind.