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Is anybody canceling their Fall decor purchases because shipping date is end of October? I’m thinking of canceling several orders because I am decorating now for Fall. It’s not worth it to get things November 1st and put out for 3 weeks.
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No,  I like the things I bought so if I have to wait it's ok. I will put them out when they get here and use them again next year. 

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all the things that I ordered are in stock except for one that is shipping the end of September. This is not a problem for me because I actually won't be using this stuff until Thanksgiving. 

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Interesting you should say that because I was thinking some people might do that.


Not good for any retailer to sell this way.  Best to get items in customers' hands before they change their minds, find similar or something they like better elsewhere.  


I know some of the problems are manufacturing and ground delivery delays, but listening to early warnings, the big retailers placed larger orders far in advance of the following seasons to make sure they have enough merchandise in stock.  



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Actually  that's what kept me from ordering. I really wanted Valerie's spheres. I saw them the day before in the copper color. Stunning, but when Mary Beth said they wouldn't ship until the last of October. That's to late to enjoy them this year. I  want to start putting away my fall decorations by then just leaving up just a few things for thanksgiving before starting Christmas  decorating. 

Posts: 37
Registered: ‎05-24-2010

Yes I agree @sweetee2 I'm almost finished Fall decorating and not interested in receiving new items sometime in October. I saw those spheres too--they are beautiful but among the many things I either passed on or cancelled.  In these days of instant gratification, it's hard to order something in July and still not have it.....and at my age, I forget what I've ordered! 

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Just curious, when you purchased these items did they say that shipping was not until the end of October?  There were several things I would have ordered but I didn't want to wait that long to receive them.  I was aware of the ship date before I placed an order.



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I knew things were on advance order; I rather like that as it gives time to think and reconsider. you can't cancel 'regular' orders unless you do it within seconds of placing an order. 


after I got out my current fall decor, I realized I didn't need any more, so I cancelled most of the fall things. and promptly ordered several other non-holiday items, LOL 


in the end, money-wise a wash but I will be happier with the things I ordered in place of the fall things. 


I'm fine with AO as long as its clear that things are not shipping right away. also gives time for c.c. to quit smokin'

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yes, I have -----I found the same things elsewhere for less $$, no shipping $$ and delivered in a couple days--guess where??

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I believe the biggest issue is not because of ground delivery delays, or on some cases, even manufacturing. There are massive delays in items due to port closures, especially if n China, and there are long waiting times for ships coming into ports in the US. It’s adding weeks to months to the original delivery dates. It’s projected to get worse as the holidays approach.