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Re: Can a doctor refuse to prescribe a med . . .

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Re: Can a doctor refuse to prescribe a med . . .

@KingstonsMom wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Do doctors ever 'fire' a patient?


"Maybe it's best if you seek care from another healthcare professional" type of response. ?



I've had a family member who was 'fired' by her Dr. by certified letter, they need not give the patient a 'reason'. I read her letter and it didn't give a reason.


But this family member can be very difficult to deal with, so I'm sure that's probably why.

For those who don't think it happens, they are sadly mistaken.  It's not common, but it does happen. 

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Can a doctor refuse to prescribe a med . . .

I just fired my doctor today (through the patient portal) and went with another in the practice.


I know many will say it's not really 'firing', but it felt so good to do it, that I'm calling it 'firing'.Woman Happy


I've been thinking of Ford and hope everything's okay with her.  I saw her post on another forum here, but didn't want to address her in it, but really wanted to.

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Re: Can a doctor refuse to prescribe a med . . .

i was fired by my internist a couple years ago, but then i ended up in the hospital with pneumonia and he contacted me when i got home.  he wanted me to come in which i did.  i think he just had a bad day and lost it with me so i forgave him.  he's an excellent doctor so i'm better off with him.  good doctors are hard to come by around here. 

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Re: Can a doctor refuse to prescribe a med . . .

@Lucky Charm wrote:

I just fired my doctor today (through the patient portal) and went with another in the practice.


I know many will say it's not really 'firing', but it felt so good to do it, that I'm calling it 'firing'.Woman Happy


I've been thinking of Ford and hope everything's okay with her.  I saw her post on another forum here, but didn't want to address her in it, but really wanted to.

Lucky charm, the RA doc did call me and prescribed an interim prednisone scrip for me that will tide me over until I see her in early February.  Hopefully, we will be able to work out a treatment plan that is acceptable to both of us.  In the meantime, I am not seeing a big difference in level of discomfort yet, but should in a few days.


Thank you for thinking of me.  Ford


A peaceful New Year to you and to all.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,647
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Can a doctor refuse to prescribe a med . . .

@LilacTree wrote:

@Lucky Charm wrote:

I just fired my doctor today (through the patient portal) and went with another in the practice.


I know many will say it's not really 'firing', but it felt so good to do it, that I'm calling it 'firing'.Woman Happy


I've been thinking of Ford and hope everything's okay with her.  I saw her post on another forum here, but didn't want to address her in it, but really wanted to.

Lucky charm, the RA doc did call me and prescribed an interim prednisone scrip for me that will tide me over until I see her in early February.  Hopefully, we will be able to work out a treatment plan that is acceptable to both of us.  In the meantime, I am not seeing a big difference in level of discomfort yet, but should in a few days.


Thank you for thinking of me.  Ford


A peaceful New Year to you and to all.

I'm so glad to hear from you and I'm sure many others are, too.