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Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

Unbelievable!!!!  A woman was sexually assaulted this morning ON THE ESCALATOR of the same Philadelphia SEPTA 69th Street Station.


A SEPTA police officer was right there and intervened.


The attacker reportedly tore off her clothes on the escalator. 


This can't go on.



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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

When good people do nothing without any consequences, the bad ones get emboldened. So sad to see my hometown come to this.

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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

Write, call, complain, and don't let city officials look the other way.  People march for all sorts of things.  The people in the area will either let it go or not.  It's up to them in the final analysis.


And you know, it's not looking good for us at this point!  The criminals are winning. 

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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

My sister just advised my that the original act occurred on the same train which left from the 69th Street Station, which we always took to get into Center City when we were teens eons ago.  I absolutely hated riding that darn stinky train. 


I took my son to see the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall on that train in the late '70s.  I remember thinking, "thank God I never have to do that again." 

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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

Thankfully someone intervened, and stopped it, but the trauma she must be feeling. Very scary time we are living in. 

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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

You guys realize people (mostly women but not exclusively)  have been assaulted like this for forever, right? This is not new. It's very ancient.


It is wonderful that we are outraged nowadays and that something is being done about it. It was not always so. Now we have video proof of many of the old crimes that used to be 'he said she said' and were trivialized and went unacknowledged and unpunished.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?


@Porcelain wrote:

You guys realize people (mostly women but not exclusively)  have been assaulted like this for forever, right? This is not new. It's very ancient.


It is wonderful that we are outraged nowadays and that something is being done about it. It was not always so. Now we have video proof of many of the old crimes that used to be 'he said she said' and were trivialized and went unacknowledged and unpunished.

Yes I know it's not anything new - but the frequency sure is.  The Philadelphia area has become so bad that I dread turning on the local news in the morning.  I speak as someone who grew up there many years ago.

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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

[ Edited ]

This is exactly like the Law and Order SVU episode. I think it was season 1. Multiple rapes on a subway train with onlookers standing around. 

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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

[ Edited ]

@Laura14 Oh boy is that a loaded, true statement!!!!

Sadly, your hometown isn't alone in things like this...


I'm not an animal owner but I am starting to think animals are smarter and at times more compassionate than the species human.  

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Re: Can Lightning Strike Twice in the Same Place?

@bmorechick  I keep telling people to re-read that old WWII poem about the guy who kept standing around doing nothing as everyone around him was taken until, at the end, they came for him because he was the only one left to bother.


It's amazing to me how short sighted human beings have gotten. Selfish isn't a big enough word for it. When we can't step in and help our fellow human beings with all the technology at our fingertips these days, there's just no hope for that kind of callousness IMO.