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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

When Our dog had kennel cough, it was an alarming, barking, hacking kind of cough like he was choking. Like Seamaiden said , it reminded me of croup or whooping cough in babies. It got worse instead of better (before he went to the vet). And by worse, I mean within a day.

WE never took him to a kennel again! I was so mad about that. From what I remember he had also had the immunization for bordatella but it was a few weeks earlier and not enough time to give him immunity or something.

The toxins in pecans came from a website (probably the same one some others saw) but I couldn't paste and copy without it showing the website address.

One thing we always used was poison control even for our dogs and I see they now have an aspca poison control number, though don't know if they charge.

Poison control is very knowledgeable.

I hope Emma gets all better soon! I love her name.

If you see any further symptoms that worry you, don't hesitate to call your vet. I'm sure you will.

And I figured she got into the pecans by her own doggy paws. All this good food around, they want it all tooHeart

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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

@Citrine1 wrote:

I don't mean to be an alarmist @MaggieinFL, but all my dog had was "just a cough" and no other symptoms, and 3 weeks later (at the age of only 7) he was dead.  


He had a very mild, slight cough that happened about 5 times a day.  Dr. thought it was allergies and put him on allergy meds.  After a week with no change, Dr. put him on an antibiotic.  Another week went by with no change.  The cough was not worsening, but wasn't getting better either, obviously.  And, again, it was a very slight barely noticable cough.  


The vet took an x-ray and my dog had cancer all throughout his chest.  Aside from the cough, he appeared perfectly fine.  Anyway, he had the x-ray on a Thursday and four days later, he collapsed and died.  


Good luck to you.  Hoping your dogs cough clears up quickly.  


Oh my, @Citrine1. I'm so sorry that happened to you--how awful. Your pup was so young for that kind of serious illness with so few symptoms.


We also lost a dog to cancer, a beloved lab named Annie, just 4 years ago. But, she was 14 years old and obviously very ill. No cough, but declined steadily over a month with a series of misdiagnoses, too. Emma is Annie's niece and almost 3 years old, who is otherwise very healthy. I surely hope that this is nothing serious!

Posts: 62
Registered: ‎05-21-2015

Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

@on the bay wrote:

When Our dog had kennel cough, it was an alarming, barking, hacking kind of cough like he was choking. Like Seamaiden said , it reminded me of croup or whooping cough in babies. It got worse instead of better (before he went to the vet). And by worse, I mean within a day.

WE never took him to a kennel again! I was so mad about that. From what I remember he had also had the immunization for bordatella but it was a few weeks earlier and not enough time to give him immunity or something.

The toxins in pecans came from a website (probably the same one some others saw) but I couldn't paste and copy without it showing the website address.

One thing we always used was poison control even for our dogs and I see they now have an aspca poison control number, though don't know if they charge.

Poison control is very knowledgeable.

I hope Emma gets all better soon! I love her name.

If you see any further symptoms that worry you, don't hesitate to call your vet. I'm sure you will.

And I figured she got into the pecans by her own doggy paws. All this good food around, they want it all tooHeart


@on the bay


What you and others are describing as an alarming, hacking cough is not what Emma has at all. Her cough is mostly dry hacking, like she is trying to clear something from her throat and it happens only when she's moving. Last night, I did hear her sounding more congested, but not today. I got the feeling the vet wasn't 100% sure she had bordetella, but since her vitals were so good, she felt like an antibiotic was the right treatment & then just wait-and-see.


I'll be watching her carefully & if she doesn't improve, I'll take her in for an x-ray. Wish I'd just done it today, but TBH, my husband was freaking about the vet bill & she didn't appear sick in his opinion. But, mamas know. I knew it with my kids and with my fur babies!


Getting all the good input here has been VERY helpful. Talking to real people, instead of various googled threads makes a difference Smiley Happy Thanks, again, for your good advice.

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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

@NYCSusanna wrote:




What were your dog's symptoms? Our Emma seems fine except for the cough.


He just had a cough.  This was a long time ago, but all I remember is that he had a cough.  I immediately thought of kennel cough though and took him to the Vet.  


I had picked up a rescue dog and kept him overnight before transporting him to another location.  I'm sure he got kennel cough from him.  I had never brought another dog home without taking him to the Vet first.  This was an emergency situation, or I wouldn't have done it.  I won't ever do it again.

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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I just want to add that dogs do get cold viruses. Because a dog has cold symptoms it is not always kennel cough. A simple cold does not require antibiotics  for a dog any more than if we  had a cold virus..... it just has to run its course. The symptoms of kennel cough are obvious.  Much more severe than just a cold. And dogs can not catch a cold from people  nor can people catch a cold from a dog.

Kennel Cough is a virus much like a cold (thus why vaccine is ineffective).  And like a cold the severity will often depend on an individual dog.  Most healthy dogs recover very nicely within a week or so.  Antibiotics are usually prescribed  as a preventative, however many vets are taking the wait and see approach because much like people antibiotics are becoming over prescribed and becoming ineffective.  You can help relieve the symptoms with a cough suppressant and a variety of other natural methods. 

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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@NYCSusanna wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I just want to add that dogs do get cold viruses. Because a dog has cold symptoms it is not always kennel cough. A simple cold does not require antibiotics  for a dog any more than if we  had a cold virus..... it just has to run its course. The symptoms of kennel cough are obvious.  Much more severe than just a cold. And dogs can not catch a cold from people  nor can people catch a cold from a dog.




That's exactly what my husband said! All she has is a cough, so maybe it is just a cold. And, the antibiotic will be useless.


You say the symptoms of kennel cough are obvious. Can you say more about that?

@MaggieinFL  From Google:


If your dog is affected with kennel cough, you may notice one or more of the following symptoms:
a strong cough, often with a “honking” sound - this is the most obvious symptom.
runny nose.
loss of appetite.
low fever


it sounds similar to croup cough like in babies

Not all dogs will have all symptoms.  A healthy dog may get a very mild case, I had a dog once that just had the 'honking cough' for a day or two, everything else was normal. While my mom had an older girl who had it linger much longer

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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

YES, I just went through this both of my babies developed kennel cough.  The vaccine does not protect from all strains.  

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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

@MaggieinFL Thank you for your kind response.  In re-reading my post, I know it sounds abrupt and I apologize for that.  The dog I was speaking of passed two years ago, but I still miss him every day and find it difficult to control my tears when I speak or write about him.  


Again, I will keep you and Emma in my thoughts.  It's so hard when our pets are sick and we don't know what's going on with them.  None of my dogs ever had kennel cough so I can't comment on it's symptoms.  

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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

Yes, they can.  I am very concientous about my dog's healthcare and don't waiver from his immunization schedule or monthly heartworm & flea/tick preventatives.  The kennel we use requires everyone to be up to date on their shots in order to stay.  Last spring somehow, someone sneaked through.  My dog came home with kennel cough.  The day after I picked him up, I had him at the vet.  She prescribed medicine for him and he was back to his old self in short order.  I do think the fact that he was immunized helped him to bounce back quickly.  We continued the one prescription (amoxicillin, I think) until it was used up, even though we didn't have to give the cough tablet for more than a couple of days.

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Re: Can Dogs Still Get Kennel Cough If Immunized?

[ Edited ]

@jaxs mom wrote:

Yes they can, it's not a particularly effective vaccine. 

No it's not at all. IN fact I personally think it's a vaccine they shouldn't get but that's just me.  Antibiotics are also pretty useless for treatment as well and most recover on their own.   


I don't board my dog and she's not around other dogs at a park, etc. so that is not a shot that mine gets.  She got one last year because I was boarding her and they required it and a few years ago I took her to play night and it was required there as well.


Also, my vet told me it takes about 2 weeks to kick in. 


And just fyi, I had a dog that got the nasal version of bordatella instead of the shot and he got a mild case of kennel cough.  I was told that could happen with the nasal version so after that, he had to get the shot.