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Nobody can get away wearing that fugly outfit.  She'll be caught.


Whether a child, produce in a market; loud announcements "I'm infected"-we have seen it tme and time again.


She would have ended up walking very funny with my cane sticking out of her arse.

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@cbrite  It looks to me that a store security cam took the photo.  The police released it in order for help from the public to locate & ID the knucklehead.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: California Woman

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@Mz iMac 


Does look like the store are right......... the mother said it was a racist issue......... or she felt it was. NEVER take that out on a baby......NEVER....I'm disgusted....with our world. So much for love each other....our blood is all red. 

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@Cakers3  ......  OMG! I just got a vivid picture of your cane in her ****!


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Re: California Woman

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@Sheila P-Burg wrote:



@Mz iMac  ......  There have been a couple of instances in other states wherein something similar was done except they were done to adults. Two of the instances the person was charged with attempted murder. 

@Sheila P-Burg   In a few NJ cases, the knucklehead is charged w/attempted murder if the victim is a police officer.  Those folks are mentioned at the N.J. Knucklehead Wall OF Shame daily briefings. Smiley LOL

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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I think anti-science people are getting all heated up because they can't deny the deaths any more.


Good thoughts for that baby.

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Re: California Woman

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@jeanlake wrote:

This bizarro woman probably thinks HER rights are being taken away. Ugh-ly. 

@jeanlake, I can understand being upset with a person getting too close these days. I can see backing up a bit if possible. Yes, I think that is my right not to beexposed by a person not being careful.


But, but, but, what this woman did, IMO, had nothing to do with rights at all. A person who do this has to have severe mental issues.


It reminds me of a current case against an older woman not far from me in SoCal. She has been accused of three incidents in which she has gone up to people of a different race or ethnicity and screamed horrid racial slurs and profanities at them. One was a man with his child at the park. A few minutes later she approached another man and did the same thing. The videos are just unbelievable.


She is facing charges. But I can think only that she is a very sick person.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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The woman who acted out did have her wits about her to wear a mask, or maybe she wouldn't get served without it. No doubt there are mental issues going on. Sometimes I think hate is a mental issue.  

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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A grown a** woman coughing in a baby's face is  sickening. Out in public, can you imagine how she is in private? I must say the people I encounter are really nice. 

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.