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Posts: 393
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

CS really won't know the reason for a change in policy - they are too low in the pecking order to be able to defend a new requirement. I see it more that they are repeating what they were told, or how they interpreted the instruction, and not all will be as skilled at explaining, unless they are reading from a script.



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Posts: 15,950
Registered: ‎02-27-2012

@makeup addict wrote:

They may do it randomly or by how often you purchase items,  if someone buys items on a regular basis, they may not ask for it, but if that pattern changes, by amt spent or large purchases being sent to a different address, then they may ask for the cvv. The rep may not want to disclose their procedures. Most businesses do not tell all the details of their procedures so they can protect their customers.


Having worked in retail, finance and accounting, I completely agree with Makeup Addict.  She is correct that it may be random.  The systems are programmed to spot suspicious activity such as she mentioned.


I am a 'frequent flyer' here at Q and do not need to enter my CVV each time.  However, on occasion larger purchases will trigger the request.  Having received new chip cards recently, I had to enter the CVV for my first couple purchases on that 'new' card.


CS reps. won't know accounting procedures necessarily.


I only shop online.  Some sites I enter it every time, most sites I do not.


Any credit card these days has total fraud protection for unauthorized purchases.


I would also not make a big deal out of this.