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I just got the set from Amazon. It takes me wayyyyy back. I went to see them when they played in T.O. on that tour.

They sound a lot more stoned than I remember...but still great guitar playing and harmonies.

Leeshore and Wooden Ships are still among my favorite songs... David Crosby has a great haunting voice.

Anyone else remember those days fondly?

It comes with a companion DVD...that should be a hoot!

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Took me a minute there to figure out who/what you are talking about ... I always was a fan!

(Thought you were talking about a railroad!)

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I remember those years fondly although 1974 was a real turning point for me, with my first son being born. Funny but I knew the initials immediatelySmiley Happy
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Oh, yeah! BTW, when has David Crosby ever not been stoned?

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Back in the early 80s, I sold radio advertising to Harvey (Weinstein) & Corky. Before Miramax, Harvey was a local concert promoter.

My job was to go on the night of the show and when the promoter settled up with the group manager, I had to collect my radio station cut (in cash). Concert promoters were notorious for not paying, so my boss sent me because my friend was dating Harvey's roommate and Harv usually felt sorry for me.

Harvey had a David Crosby show at a small little second floor club. David was on the outs with the other guys in the band. Harvey got him the show as a favor. I waited and waited to get paid and the audience was waiting for Crosby to come on stage.

I finally went backstage - a tiny little hole in the wall. The assistants wouldn't let me go in the dressing room. David Crosby was in there with Harvey, cocaine and a GUN and said that spiders were crawling all over his body and he was going to shoot them off!

It took almost 2 hours, they finally calmed him down from whatever he was on (probably with another illegal substance), I got paid and Crosby was fantastic...his guitar playing was superb.

When I think back on was probably not safe for a 20 something female to be collecting a couple thousand dollars in cash at midnight at a club...but that was part of the job!

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Loved them! I think I have a big CD set, that's also on my iPod, from some time back.

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I love them...My husband is a huge Neil fan, he has every album or CD he has ever made.

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On 7/23/2014 nunya said:

I love them...My husband is a huge Neil fan, he has every album or CD he has ever made.

That was one of the reasons the concert in T.O. was so cool back in 1974...he's a native son!

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Neil Young.....I always wanted to be his Cinnamon Girl.. lol