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@Etoile308 wrote:

Every Costco I've been to, you can access the food court by going through the exit door, which is the door most use for the service desk.

That is how our Costco is set up. You can walk in the exit door. It is close to the food court.

The employees standing at the exit are busy checking the carts of people walking out to exit. They are no paying attention to people entering. Because many of the people entering via the exit doors are returning items. And the customer service desk is right there by the exit door. And there is always a long line for returns. 

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[ Edited ]

@haddon9 wrote:

I really can't imagine why anyone would go to the trouble of going to Costco just for a hot dog or slice of pizza.  Is it that good?!


I'm a member and buy plenty but never had the desire to buy something to eat there.

@haddon9 - they're big, tasty, and cheap.  A big slice of pizza is $1.99, a large fountain drink is .69 (free refills) and a big, quarter lb. All beef dinner sized hotdog or Polish sausage, on a bun, and with a fountain drink, is $1.50.  That hotdog and drink deal hasn't changed in 40 yrs.  The food court has other things too. Plus, members can also purchase any ready to eat food (Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, Cold Shrimp & Cocktail Sauce,  Sandwich Platter) from the in-store cooler and sit in the food court to eat it.  

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[ Edited ]

@drizzellla wrote:

@Etoile308 wrote:

Every Costco I've been to, you can access the food court by going through the exit door, which is the door most use for the service desk.

That is how our Costco is set up. You can walk in the exit door. It is close to the food court.

The employees standing at the exit are busy checking the carts of people walking out to exit. They are no paying attention to people entering. Because many of the people entering via the exit doors are returning items. And the customer service desk is right there by the exit door. And there is always a long line for returns. 

I'm sure every location probably has cheaters who do this.  

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@Nightowlz wrote:

Costco should just charge a 5% upcharge if people want to eat at their Food Court. I don't normally eat the food they sell there. 

I shop online at Costco. I pay a 5% upcharge instead of a membership. I don't buy enough to pay for membership.

We used to have a Sam's Club membership. We have to drive a 3 hr round trip to shop.

We still had to pay full price for our membership even though we could only shop twice per year?

I think these Clubs should offer a reduced membership for those that have to drive so far. It's not like we can shop daily, weekly or even monthly?

How would you suggest they police and manage that?   How would you create a tiered system?  And how would other members feel if they had to pay a premium price for living closer?  That's like penalizing them because they only have to make a short drive.  IMO, that's ridiculous.  


Costco, Sam's, and others don't care where a member lives or how long their trips are.  That's the responsibility of the individual, to decide if it's worth it to them or not.  

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@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@haddon9 wrote:

I really can't imagine why anyone would go to the trouble of going to Costco just for a hot dog or slice of pizza.  Is it that good?!


I'm a member and buy plenty but never had the desire to buy something to eat there.

@haddon9 - they're big, tasty, and cheap.  A big slice of pizza is $1.99, a large fountain drink is .69 (free refills) and a big, quarter lb. All beef dinner sized hotdog or Polish sausage, on a bun, and a fountain drink, is $1.50.  That hotdog and drink deal hasn't changed in 40 yrs.  The food court has other things too.  Plus, members can also purchase any ready to eat food (Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, Cold Shrimp & Cocktail Sauce,  Sandwich Platter) from the in-store cooler and sit in the food court to eat it.  

I had to laugh when I read that. I attended an interview by Leonard Maltin with Roy Disney (Walt Disney's nephew). And Roy admitted he liked to sneak out and go to Costco for a hot dog and sit in the food court. Apparently hot dogs were forbidden in his house. So he had to sneak out to eat one, once in awhile.

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[ Edited ]

@drizzellla My Costco had a completely separate entrance to the Food Court. There is no access to the store from the food court. You can't access one from the other. Not all stores are configured the same.

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Yes you can enter without a membership card in our warehouse to go to the pharmacy.  You can purchase prescriptions without a membership or you could several years ago.  I bought medications for my dogs there before I became a member.  I've been a member for quite a while so not sure if that still applies.  All you had to do was tell the door monitor that you are going to the pharmacy when I did so.  

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@pdlinda wrote:

@kitcat51   I'm a big Costco shopper.  Spend a tremendous amt of $$ there annually and that has gone on for many years.


I am in no way, shape,manner or form commenting on your purchasing items from the food court without a membership card.  I have no comment about that.


My only comment is that in all my yrs of shopping at Costco (without the membership card scanning machine that will eventually be placed in each store) I have never experienced seeing anyone get past the entry door greeter without a membership card...also, upon leaving the store, I've never seen anyone without a receipt pass by the checkers who are posted there.

The Costco in my area has 2 ways you can go after the left to shop where the greeter is & to the right where everyone can go for the customer service desk & the food court. I also have entered the shopping area without a membership card just by asking the greeter if I could look around, always yes, never had a problem. I went to the food court occasionally because my granddaughter worked nearby & the pizza, the hotdogs were very good.

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This post brings back very fond memories of my beloved Papa, who like many senior citizens was on a very fixed income. My Papa loved to go to Costco's Food Court for one of their hotdogs and a drink because it was such a bargain...he's been gone for almost 13 years but this post made me smile remembering him! 🤎
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@Puggywuggy The long standing price of a hot dog and soda, with free refills, is still $1.50!