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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

Moonves is stepping down in the next 24 hrs. - new allegations have surface.  From today's NY Post:


"Embattled CBS CEO Les Moonves will step down from his post in the next 24 hours, Variety reported Sunday — just hours after new sex abuse allegations were leveled against him ..."

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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

New York Daily News:


 CBS CEO Les Moonves set to resignSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2018, 2:17 PM EDT
Embattled CBS CEO Les Moonves resigned Sunday, just hours after six more women accused him of sexual assault.
The network is expected to announce that the 68-year-old executive is stepping down by Monday morning, CNN reported.
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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

Just heard Moonves will get $180 million for stepping down...that should make it a bit less painful. Who says crime doesn't pay?
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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

[ Edited ]

From Ronan Farrow at the New Yorker about an hour ago:


Update: Three hours after the publication of this story, CNN reported that Moonves will step down from his position at CBS. A person familiar with the discussions said that Moonves will no longer receive any of his exit compensation, pending the results of the independent investigation into the allegations, and that a portion of the amount he would have received will be donated to organizations focussed on sexual harassment and assault.



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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

I heard that although I don't remember much about the Moonves accusations.  If he's out, I assume the investigation showed that he had a history of harrassment or abuse.     Ironic isn't it that the actress who paid off the teenager she had seks with was held to a lower standard than we would have held a man. That's one reason why I don't support this whole "me too movement".  There no definitions,no rules, no common sense and women...are exempt.   

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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

@grandma03 wrote:

He should have gone shortly after Charlie Rose was fired. I do think that all the men accused should have some kind of legal trial, etc.



That's a good theory, but without evidence or witnesses, it's simply another "he said, she said". and any trial would be pointless.


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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

@chrystaltree   more accusations were reported on this a.m. by Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker precipitating his purported resignation.  


Per Reuters...

The settlement comes on the heels of a second report from the New Yorker published on Sunday in which six additional women have raised assault and harassment claims against Moonves. An earlier New Yorker report revealed six women who alleged similar behavior by Moonves between the 1980s and early 2000s.

In a statement to the magazine, Moonves acknowledged three of the encounters, but said they were consensual.


the settlement purportedly donates a sum to an undisclosed charity and the balance of the $100 million can be clawed back from Moonves depending on results of ongoing investigations.


he's over.

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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

Our cable company has dropped CBS from the lineup stating they were charging the cable company too much money when the contract came up. So we don't get them anymore but they can afford to pay him that much in an exit. So that makes me mad. We continue to pay our normal cable bill but get less every month. And he will get 100 million? Something is not right here. 

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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?

[ Edited ]

These are trying times.  Many are coming to long over due justice.  I cant tell you the  men and women who have been harassed and victimized, with never a crust of justice ever! There was a time if a woman reported anything she was ripped to shreds.


having said that, I hope that all that are accused are guilty of what is said against them. I know there can be women, and men ( not many) who would, and do falsely accuse. Let this be a lesson for all young people that your past isn't always in the past.  It is in the shadows waiting for someone to bring it to light.  So lead an honorable life.  I tell my grandkids that all the time!  I tell them every snapchat, Facebook post, every text, photo, is documented for posterity.  It can come back to bite ya in the patootie.!


I also hope those falsely accused will be vindicated right away.  I do believe and trust Ronan Farrow.  He is a careful, journalist who researches the truth.  He is brilliant and doesn't do his job with malice.  Imo.  He is not out for the accolades, just the truth.  As he has done before he must have some evidence that is solid.  


I have really taken lately to reserve judgement until all is revealed.  Unless it is a slam duck case with video and confessions.

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Re: CBS Moonves Being Forced Out?


Last Updated Sep 9, 2018 10:44 PM EDT


CBS Corporation announced on Sunday that chairman and CEO Leslie Moonves is departing the company, effective immediately. Moonves' exit comes hours after The New Yorker published accounts from six women with allegations of sexual assault or misconduct, following allegations by six other women in July.


A financial exit package for Moonves will be withheld pending the results of an ongoing investigation into the allegations against him. Moonves was eligible for as much as $180 million if fired without cause, according to an employment contract he signed in May 2017. Recent reports indicated a potential payout in the range of $100 million.


The company said in a statement that CBS and Moonves will donate $20 million to one or more organizations that support the #MeToo movement and equality for women in the workplace. The donation will be made immediately, the statement said, and deducted from any severance he ultimately receives.



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