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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

We're still living in the house we bought 28 years ago to raise our family, the children are gone now and I guess we should move so another family can raise their children in it.  The problem?  My DH is still working full time and I'm still working part time.  We haven't decided if we're staying or leaving the area.  It's a big decision and I'm staying here for now. The baby boomers aren't being selfish, some want to stay near children, some don't want to move to a totally different area and start all over again and some might like and/or want to downsize but it's not always less expensive, depends on your own financial and/or health situation.  These are major life decisions, not made lightly.  I know of quite a few "boomers" who did move and weren't happy and the ones that could afford to move again, like my brother moved back to where they originally lived.  Sorry that some economist feels we're clogging the real estate pipeline!


I also might add that my children aren't living the same life I lead, I got married young, bought a home and had children. My children are single, working and at the present time have not desire to own property, marry or raise a family, that my change but my motto is "I lived my life my way, they get to do the same". 

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

Moved in this home 55 years ago completely remodeled it have 6 acres of land around it. I am staying until they carry me out of here one way or another. Children have homes of their own so no problem there. People would love to have this home they tell me all the time to let them know if I decide to sell. Not down sizing either were would I put all my treasures?

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

When we retired, we UPSIZED.  I feel that how we live is our choice.  We're not "clogging" anything.  

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

If the real estate market is so tight and there are no properties to sell then someone would be building new homes. It's not rocket science - simply supply and demand. If no one is building there must not be a demand. They are building like crazy where we live.

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

@missy1 wrote:

@esmeraldagooch wrote:

There have been too many articles lately about millennials not having the money to buy a home or are still living with mom.


Fanny Mae now has a very scary mortgage plan called HomeReady mortgages.  Didn't they say they wouldn't put the US citizens on the hook for bad mortgages again?



Millennials are living at home for the following reasons:


-Heavy levels of student debt

-Lower wages

-Inability to afford current home prices and in many markets, current rents


I am tired of  "some" calling the millennial's and some of the younger Generation X lazy. The world has changed. It's not easy getting a full time with benefits, pensions, 401. One is lucky  to get a part-time job after college (with many months of applying). Even college is not a guarantee of anything thing now, but  a huge debt for most.         I told my kid to do a trade, instead. So you won't be rich, but you will have a steady income. That's why many kids live at home, or move back home. I have no problems with parents helping out their kids.

I'm not saying generation x or the millennials are lazy BUT I do think the world hasn't changed all that much. When I was young I worked 2-3 jobs to be on my own and sacrificed my youth for it. I didn't travel or finish college because I simply couldn't afford to.  My parents didn't give us what parents of today have given their children.  I know because I gave my child the best in education, extra curricular anything she needed to be successful.   As brilliant as she is she could be just as stupid that she squandered this gift.  Again we sacrificed .  Now I'm waiting for her to get out so I can truly enjoy some living.

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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

Strange article IMO. Don't most Americans start small and either remodel or move into a larger home to accommodate a growing family? It also seems an increasing percentage of the elderly are living with their children or in assisted living. 

_____ ,,,^ ._. ^,,,_____
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Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

I'm sick to death of "reports" telling certain age groups what to do, how to raise their kids, and how to live.  Clearly, too many peopl have way to much idle time on their hands.  Go out and get a life and quit worrying about mine.We worked hard our entire lives and will live where we want and do what we want. 

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎11-09-2014

Re: By not downsizing, baby boomers help clog up the real estate pipeline

@brandiwine wrote:

I'm sick to death of "reports" telling certain age groups what to do, how to raise their kids, and how to live.  Clearly, too many peopl have way to much idle time on their hands.  Go out and get a life and quit worrying about mine.We worked hard our entire lives and will live where we want and do what we want. 

You can say that again!