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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

@SharkE wrote:

18k gold ?


those epilator things I tried and it's like ninja knives carving you up took mine back to bed and bath. LOL


stick with tweezer

@SharkE ...not an epilator, more like a shaver. NuBrilliance and Flawless make 2 really good ones. Great for peach fuzz with no pain or irritation.

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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

@SharkE wrote:

18k gold ?


those epilator things I tried and it's like ninja knives carving you up took mine back to bed and bath. LOL


stick with tweezer

@SharkE........yes, it is 18k gold.....little round head on it, and uses a battery.  I have seen them advertised on TV too.  They have come out with a new one that has (I think) 4 round heads on it and can remove hair from many parts of the body.  This new one needs to be charged....they provide the cord for that. 


My sister says it doesn't hurt one bit.  


Epilators are a different story.  They are not razors or anything like them.  Have heard some horrible stories of how they can cause skin problems.  

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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

Oh my gosh, you all are so funny. I had to wipe my keys off I was drinking coffee and got laughing and sorta sprayed the computer.


I already told my Daughter if I'm in the hospital and can't do my own weed whacking it's her job.

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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

Me too.  It’s like the hairs from my legs went north to my face.  I use the Flawless to keep the peach fuzz under control and use the tweezers for any crazy wild hairs.


I only wax my eyebrows once a month.

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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

@dex wrote:

@CrazyKittyLvr2  I can relate.The thing that worries me is what if I am hospitalized and those things grow into a beard before I can get well enough to destroy them.

@dex.....that is where the little 18k thing would come in handy.  It is very light weight and takes no energy to use it.  You might want to check into something like this.

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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin



LOL...Thank goodness for our sense of humor!....I don't have to shave my legs as often, as it seems that the hair has made its way to my chin area?...So I either tweeze or just shave a small area where the hair is growing.


One morning I noticed a long piece of hair growing out of the side of my face near my ear area....LOLOL...I pulled the darn thing out and it hasn't reappeared yet!...It must have happened overnight as it wasn't there the day before!...I now have to peruse myself very carefully each morning!  Woman LOL

~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

@dex  I have some white hairs on my face but mostly very dark.  Laser hair removal does NOT work on white hair, so my technician says. At this age, I would  have thought that hair growth on my legs and other areas would have slowed down but it hasn't.  I had an operation in 2008 that went bad and was hospitalised for over a month.  Whatever meds they were pumping in me made my facial hair grow like crazy. 

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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

Telling my own story. When I was in my 40's had a hysterectomy to avoid getting ovarian cancer that killed my mother when she was 28. Didn't want to go thru testing till I hit the coffin, so, got pro active.


No more hair in arm pits that was great, now 20 some odd yrs. later hairs are on chin guess they moved up from arm pits. LOL


Don't U love hormones ROFL

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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

One good thing about getting old for me has been that I don't have to shave my legs anymore.  That hair has quit growing....spend lesser amount time in the shower and save on razors to do the job.  Have also lost the hair on my arms and a couple of other places too.  But, still have the under arms to take care of.  It's really weird how nature does stuff to us.

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Re: By The Hair Of My Chin-y Chin Chin

ugh sing it sister... forgot to look in my 10x mirror for a week  and my chin looked like a billy goat.     then yesterday  looked again and i had a long hair underneath between my chin and neck!  its hard to see there i had to pull up the skin but how did i miss that! well eyeglasses and 10x mirrors can be tricky


i have the flawless in the blue/green case and the eyebrow flawless.