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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

I find his look so strange. He was very good looking at one time.

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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

In college we used to have an almost life-sized poster of him in his swim "trunks" that we used to gaze longingly upon. Actually they were his racing speedo's LOL.

Ummmmmm, what were we talking about again?????

In Sunny AZ
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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

Not a fan of it
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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

I hope that he can finally be authentically himself.

Something that everyone deserves, even judgmental people like many on the Q boards.

It's really tragic that hate is an emotion that happens when a person (in their mind) can't understand or make sense of something that is different in any way from themselves. {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

Okay ..... I seem to remember seeing something somewhere that Bruce is planning a .... um .... gender re-assignment surgery process.

Did anyone else read this ... or was I hallucinating?

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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

Tinkrbl44, your not hallucinating I also heard that. I remember reading he had surgery on his Adams Apple to make it smaller like a woman's.
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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

He's turning into an attractive woman. But he's at an awkward stage right now.

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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

As a teen, I remember Bruce winning the Olympics and being such a handsome, boy next door, Graceland University in Iowa graduate. Confident, well spoken, always smiling. Where is that guy now?

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

On 8/27/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:

Okay ..... I seem to remember seeing something somewhere that Bruce is planning a .... um .... gender re-assignment surgery process. {#emotions_dlg.crying}

Did anyone else read this ... or was I hallucinating? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

Yes, I did hear that, and he had an addiction to Spanx.LOL! I don't read the rag mags, so I must have read it somewhere online.

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Re: Bruce Jenner's new longer hair style

He's been under the Kardashian influence too long.