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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

It sounds like Brodie had a remarkable life and brought much joy to many people. I am so sorry for your loss.

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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. What a very special Brodie you had, that he gave so much care and laughter to so many people. Brodie is with all our babies sharing the cares and smiles until we all meet again.

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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

What a wonderful dog! Sorry for your loss, sounds like he had a wonderful life. He's healthy and whole now, waiting for the time he's reunited with you and your loved ones!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

I am so sorry for your loss. He sounded like a wonderful member of your family. The memories and happiness they bring enriches the time we have with them. I lost my special boy in January 2013 and still miss him so much. I have had many great dogs but he was a once in a lifetime dog. I feel your pain. It helped to hear that my vet dedicated Patricia MCConnell's book ""The Other End of the Leash"" to their office library in his name. You may want to do something special in Brodies honor too. He left his mark in so many nursing home and care facilities making the residents delight in his visits. That is so special!

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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

On 4/27/2014 nagrom said:

I am so sorry for your loss. He sounded like a wonderful member of your family. The memories and happiness they bring enriches the time we have with them. I lost my special boy in January 2013 and still miss him so much. I have had many great dogs but he was a once in a lifetime dog. I feel your pain. It helped to hear that my vet dedicated Patricia MCConnell's book "The Other End of the Leash" to their office library in his name. You may want to do something special in Brodies honor too. He left his mark in so many nursing home and care facilities making the residents delight in his visits. That is so special!

Thanks, nagrom. I am going to check if our public library has the book. I'd love to read it. Perhaps I can find it at Amazondotcom.

Brodie was such a special dog ... another once in a lifetime friend. He loved doing therapy and always looked forward to his visits in various locations. In addition to nursing homes and assisted living facilities he also worked in day care centers, hospitals, schools, libraries, private homes, rehab centers, etc. He was initially certified by Therapy Dogs International in 2002. No matter where he went, people called out "here comes Brodie" and he would wiggle from one end to the other at the sound of his name. He was always ready to brighten their day ... and did his job very well. Smiles all around when Brodie was in town.

Brodie and his keeshond friend were awarded the American Red Cross Heros Award a few years ago. It was a special award for all the therapy they did over many years.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

My condolences go out to you on the loss of your precious Brodie---he sounds like an absolutely amazing dog. Our cairn Bob was diagnosed with lymphoma at age seven two years ago and died four months later. He was the best dog we have ever had---smart, hilarious and loving. I just know he and Brodie are playing at the Rainbow Bridge.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

So Sorry for the loss of your Fur-Baby Brodie

~A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words~
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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

Today marks two weeks since we lost our beautiful cairn terrier, Brodie. I still wake up thinking of him every morning and my heart still hurts knowing he is gone and the tears are never far away. DH and I have talked about getting another cairn but can't decide when to do so. On the one hand we'd like to wait a while and on the other hand we'd like to go tomorrow to select one. We've already begun research on cairn breeders.

I just know the house is so quiet and lonely without Brodie. He was a therapy dog and we think the bond that created has made our loss even harder to bear. Brodie had over 1,000 therapy visits in his lengthy career and people in all walks of life always looked forward to his visits.

Our keeshond continues to have a very difficult time with Brodie's loss. She didn't eat at all for two days and after that only ate a little of her food for several days. For over a week she exhibited limping behaviors which had no apparent reason and we believe that was part of her grieving. They were best friends and she still is lost without him. We've taken her for car rides on several occasions and she looks around before getting in the car. Perhaps she's looking for her buddy.

I want to thank all of you for sharing thoughts and prayers of sympathy with us. Your words truly help us in our path of grief.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

Hi Anika, Extending my deepest sympathy to you and yours on the loss of your beloved pet. May you find perfect peace and comfort today and in the days ahead. You were so kind and encouraging to me when I was looking for the lost boy, Diamond. I will always be grateful for your words.

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Re: Brodie at Rainbow Bridge - April 23

On 5/9/2014 PenderBrigade said:

Hi Anika, Extending my deepest sympathy to you and yours on the loss of your beloved pet. May you find perfect peace and comfort today and in the days ahead. You were so kind and encouraging to me when I was looking for the lost boy, Diamond. I will always be grateful for your words.

I have been thinking about you lately and wondering if you were ever able to find him or where he went?
Hope you are wellSmiley Happy