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Apparently he took over a million dollars in welfare benefits from the state of Mississippi and now has to pay back over $800,000 of it. He should go to prison for fraud.

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Seems he would have accrued plenty of wealth as a top QB in the NFL. And, I believe he has a daughter who is a lawyer. What are these people thinking?

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Doesn't seem possible. Especially in Mississippi. Did he qualify for medicaid and have a really expensive operation?


What category of "welfare?"

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He didn't receive welfare benefits.


It was for monies paid to him for speeches he allegedly did not make.  He's repaid approximately $500,000 back to the state. 

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Bret Farve is a sketchy individual.

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I'm still skeptical. Mississippi paid him $1 million for speeches? ? ?



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I don't understand how they had all that money to pay for celebrity speeches and other things.  I would think that  money should be spent on their citizens.  It's a strange story...

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Here's some detail from Deadspin. It's pretty bad. He apparently knew it was wrong and he owes even more because of the interest accrued every month.


He still owes this additional $828,000. Because he didn't finish repaying what he owed and there has been interest added on every month.


"Mississippi state auditor Shad White released a list on Tuesday of demands for repayment of $77 million of illegally spent funds after an outside forensic audit of what happened to the money that was supposed to help kids in the poorest state in America.


The amount due to be repaid is $96.3 million, thanks to interest of 1% per month, as dictated by Mississippi law. That’s why Favre now finds himself up against the clock to repay his share of the illegally distributed money.


Favre, who received $1.1 million in the Mississippi boondoggle, never was seen as liable for any criminal activity in the state’s probe, although the state’s letter to the Ol’ Gunslinger, obtained by Deadspin, makes it clear that he’s hardly a wide-eyed innocent in all this.


“The sum demanded represents illegal expenditures of public funds made to you or to entities or combines for which you are legally obligated to pay and/or the unlawful dispositions of public property, including public funds, made with you or with entities or combines for which you are legally responsible to pay,” says the letter from White to Favre and Robert Culumber, Favre’s business partner and one of the directors of Favre’s own nonprofit, Favre 4 Hope.


These illegal expenditures and unlawful dispositions were made when you knew or had reason to know through the exercise of reasonable diligence that the expenditures were illegal and/or the dispositions were unlawful.


Whatever diligence or lack thereof Favre did at the time he got the money, it certainly was immoral for him to take seven figures to do a radio spot for Families First For Mississippi. While Favre may have believed that he fulfilled the terms of a contract, there’s been plenty of time since it became clear that this whole thing was a mess, and he promised to pay the money back to the state last year, starting with a half-million bucks that he did fork over in May of 2020.


Had Favre followed through on his commitment to pay back the remaining $600,000, he would be done with this mess. Instead, Favre is now in receipt of a letter from White’s office demanding $828,000 — $600,000 principal, plus $228,000 of interest, calculated at 1% per month from July 30, 2018.


It’s not just another interest charge that Favre is now up against if he doesn’t pay up quickly. The state’s letter to Favre, makes clear: “If you fail to pay this demand in full within thirty (30) days, I must perform my duty, pursuant to Miss. Code §7-7-211, to institute suit against you, and the Attorney General of Mississippi shall file the necessary civil lawsuit in the proper court. Please be aware that after thirty (30) days interest will again begin accruing at one percent (1%) per month until the demand is paid in full.”"



If you or I or our neighbor did anything remotely like that, we'd be in jail. He should be too.

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"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Bret Favre, who was named in a Mississippi state audit for accepting $1.1 million for appearances he didn’t even make, has agreed to repay the money, according to state auditor Shad White. The Hall of Fame quarterback from Mississippi has repaid $500,000 and committed to repaying the rest in installments.


Favre was named in an audit that detailed an alleged multimillion-dollar welfare fraud scheme.


 Brett Favre repays $500,000


The state’s Department of Human Services oversaw more than $94 million in improperly spent federal money that was supposed to assist at-need Mississippians, according to an audit.


DHS chose the Mississippi Community Education Center (MCEC) as one of the nonprofits in charge of spending money through the federal government’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, according to reports by the Mississippi Clarion Ledger and Associated Press.


Favre’s name was included because $1.1 million was paid to him for appearances that he allegedly didn’t make.

White made a statement,via rhe Sun Herald, on Wednesday regarding Favre’s repayment, saying:

“Today my office has received $500,000 from Brett Favre in repayment for TANF money he was paid through MCEC and a commitment to repay the remainder in installments over the next few months. The money will be held in our clearing account for a period and then be sent, in full, to the Mississippi Department of Human Services to be used for TANF-appropriate expenditures.

“I want to applaud Mr. Favre for his good faith effort to make this right and make the taxpayers and TANF families whole. To date, we have seen no records indicating Mr. Favre knew that TANF was the program that served as the source of the money he was paid.”



But Mississippi said it was still waiting for that $600,000 a year later. Now, it has reportedly threatened Favre with a civil lawsuit if he doesn't pay $828,000, which represents the money owed plus some hefty interest on payments made in 2017 and 2018.


Favre's lack of payment is only one thread of a bizarre saga surrounding Mississippi's misuse of TANF funds under Bryant, and he is far from the only notable name who Mississippi is still waiting on for a check.


Per Mississippi Today, former WWE wrestler Ted DiBiase Jr. must return $3.9 million in funds he allegedly received for serving as a motivational speaker for Families First. His father and fellow ex-WWE wrestler Ted DiBiase Sr. must reportedly pay $722,299 in funds sent to his Christian ministry to help underprivileged teens. Former Oklahoma football star Marcus Dupree is facing a $789,534 demand for his Marcus Dupree Foundation.


None of that compares to what former Mississippi Department of Human Services director John Davis — currently awaiting trial for embezzlement charges — reportedly owes as he is apparently being asked to return $96.313 million for authorizing million in illegal TANF spending.

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@MorningLover wrote:



Bret Favre, who was named in a Mississippi state audit for accepting $1.1 million for appearances he didn’t even make, has agreed to repay the money, according to state auditor Shad White. The Hall of Fame quarterback from Mississippi has repaid $500,000 and committed to repaying the rest in installments.


Favre was named in an audit that detailed an alleged multimillion-dollar welfare fraud scheme.


 Brett Favre repays $500,000


The state’s Department of Human Services oversaw more than $94 million in improperly spent federal money that was supposed to assist at-need Mississippians, according to an audit.


DHS chose the Mississippi Community Education Center (MCEC) as one of the nonprofits in charge of spending money through the federal government’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, according to reports by the Mississippi Clarion Ledger and Associated Press.


Favre’s name was included because $1.1 million was paid to him for appearances that he allegedly didn’t make.

White made a statement,via rhe Sun Herald, on Wednesday regarding Favre’s repayment, saying:

“Today my office has received $500,000 from Brett Favre in repayment for TANF money he was paid through MCEC and a commitment to repay the remainder in installments over the next few months. The money will be held in our clearing account for a period and then be sent, in full, to the Mississippi Department of Human Services to be used for TANF-appropriate expenditures.

“I want to applaud Mr. Favre for his good faith effort to make this right and make the taxpayers and TANF families whole. To date, we have seen no records indicating Mr. Favre knew that TANF was the program that served as the source of the money he was paid.”

That is even worse. What a dirtbag! He had the money to pay it back all along and he just...didn't for some reason? He kept the money he stole from 2018 because he thought he could somehow get away with not paying it back? There's no reason to applaud a thief for withholding money from poor children just because he thought he could get away with it. Disgusting.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr