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Box Of Memories

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I was cleaning out from under the stairs going through things I had not looked at for over 20 years.....lots of pictures taken in late 70's and into the 1980's when we were first married and many more picture capturing  stages of our lives over years.  Trips, moves etc.  To see pictures of me  and Hubby in our   late 20 something to early 30'!  What memories.


I saved the first  Birthday card DH gave me several years before we were married...and Valentines Day cards we gave to one another in our early years together. Wow we were real romantics!  What happened to THAT?


I am a bit depressed from seeing pictures of me in a bikini looking really good.....and happy seeing pictures. all of our cats and dogs that we have had over 35 plus years of marriage.  And seeing my DH at age 20 something....I see why I fell for him.....he was a real HUNK😍❤️💘💝. 


So I will put the box of memories away AGAIN.....Wonder when I will next pull them out..or if I ever will again.  No children to pass them on to.... where will they end up years from now....😶 


Guess I will not worry about that for now.  Time to come back to reality.  Today Is a beautiful day in my life 😊 So Grateful!

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 I was having a "moment" today & seeing your post brought me a smile because it made me think of all the "blessed & wonderful" moments God has given me in this life's journey!


Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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Re: Box Of Memories

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I know I'm going to feel the same way when I go through the boxes of memories out in my storage room. When it has been years and years since seeing them, it's hard to believe we were that young, having a family and doing all that we did. I know I will laugh and cry at the same time.

Wow have the years flown by !

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I think I know how you feel about this because I don't have any children either. In fact I am a soul survivor with no immediate family whatsoever. The things I have in my house will be put up in an auction some day. I don't have a problem with this but it does make me sad. Several months ago I burned a huge box of photos because I did not want to be reminded any more. When I used to show them to some of my friends, they would just say  "Oh, that's a nice picture" but really it didn't mean much to was just a picture and nothing more so now the pictures are gone for good.

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I recently did the same thing, only I was digging through stuff and found my son's baby book.   I must have written down (and photographed) every move he ever made!  Heart    And looking through that book, I'm glad I did.   It was a trip back in time. 

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Re: Box Of Memories

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   Memories are important. They ground us.Memories remind us of our past.Our experiences made us who we are today.

  Some memories are painful.Others are wonderful. Some memories teach us lessons.Some make us laugh others make us cry.

  @SeaMaiden I agree with you.Good Memories should lead us back to the present making us grateful for what we have.I think that makes for a full life.

  I don't think what happens to our pictures & memorabilia after we're gone really matters.Even for those of us with children.They will only keep some of it.Probably toss the rest.They won't appreciate the true meaning of what these items meant to us.That's okay because our memories are "our memories ".It's what made us unique!! When we go they will go with us. Our children will have their own memories.

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Oddly enough, I have been on my own memory journey for the last 3 weeks.


My sorting, organizing, purging mess started with the death of a classmate, and pulling out my yearbooks to write his death date near his picture.  That led into days of updating my yearbooks on all those I know who have passed.   


In the midst of that process, I needed to find important information for a friend, which resulted in pulling out saved items from different places to find what she needed.   So while I have all this information pulled out in front of me, I sorted thru it, purged a lot, combined things, and am in the process of storing it in one location---the one major job I have put off for the 5 years I've been sorting and purging in this house.


Looking for one particular picture took me thru 6 photo albums and one tote of loose pictures.   So once and for all, I'm going to get this picture situation resolved, which has had me stuffing pictures in photo sleeves all week.   My ironing board still has 3 stacks of pictures to resolve; work, friend, and family.   I have purchased 40 packs of 10 photo sleeves from 2 Wal-Mart stores in the last week, in order to get this job done right, once and for all.   This was the second major job I had put off with my sorting, purging process.   


I can see the floor in my TV room again, so I am making slow but steady progress, and will be very pleased with myself once these jobs are done.    

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I do that from time to time.   It's nice to look through things that evoke good memories.  


I recently found my Christening gown.   It still looks good after all these years.   I'm going to have it heirloomed with a beaded jacket my mom wore over her wedding dress.   

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@SilleeMee  I think about this more the older I get....I am slowly getting rid of things that no one else would want  little by little.  I want to throw my stuff out, not strangers.  For instance, I have a  daily diary  I wrote in when I was 12.   It is full of all my thoughts...going through my parents first REAL boyfriend at age  12..... actually very amusing in parts, I laugh when I read it😄.  So it will be trashed  one day. 

@SilleeMee wrote:


I think I know how you feel about this because I don't have any children either. In fact I am a soul survivor with no immediate family whatsoever. The things I have in my house will be put up in an auction some day. I don't have a problem with this but it does make me sad. Several months ago I burned a huge box of photos because I did not want to be reminded any more. When I used to show them to some of my friends, they would just say  "Oh, that's a nice picture" but really it didn't mean much to was just a picture and nothing more so now the pictures are gone for good.