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Do women still get this, to find out how your bones are,it has been 19 yrs, or so since i had one.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@goldensrbest yeah, every two years 

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Yes.  Things can change for you in nearly 2 decades.  Might be a good thing to check.

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With all my problems i am having ,i think i need one,the doctor has not mentioned having one ,been at least 19 yrs, i have had one;

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Just scheduled one yesterday. My last one was fine but it was three years ago. 

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I think you should consider a different Primary Care Physician.


Depending on family history a base line test should be done by the age of 65, sooner if there are other factors. Depending on those results and family history it determine the frequency from then on.

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Doesn't Medicare only pay every so many yrs. ?

I had one last yr.   Don't think I can get another for another yr or 2.

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My doctor is so proactive that I keep up to date with so many tests.


I get a bone density test about every 5 years. My bone density is just fine but he still wants me to get one. 

In a way I can understand his reasoning. I read that most of the time when older women fall and break a hip, that the bone broke and that is why the older women fell.

My Mother-in-law was 93 and living in a nursing home. It was dinner time and she was walking to get into her wheel chair so she could go to the dining room for dinner.  And she fell. I often wondered if she fell because her hip bone broke before the fall. After she fell, things went downhill quickly for her healthwise.

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Re: Bone density scan

[ Edited ]

I have osteoporosis so I get a Dexascan yearly and Medicare pays for it.


ETA- Annual Medicare Wellness Visits includes discussing bone density. 

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

I do too and osteoarthritis. I'll have to ask if Medicare pays for it again this yr