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Here is another thought: I could put the wreath in the tree in the front yard, do you think that is a good idea?

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Re: Bird Nest in Door Wreath

@Spurt   Oh yikes, that would Not be good! I can see how that could easily happen.

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Re: Bird Nest in Door Wreath

@Spurt wrote:



Did you hear Jayne Brown's story when she did a VPH Show?  She said a bird built a nest in her front door wreath....and the bird flew into her house and it was difficult to get it out......🐦

Yes and I had that happen to me !  One morning I saw a  little bird flying around my dining room  and was in a weath I had hanging on a wall .

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@Kachina624  There have been a lot of small birds in the tree this week and so far today! Never saw that many here!

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Re: Bird Nest in Door Wreath

I had a bird in my house.  I think one of my dogs must have brought it in.  I opened the slider and herded it in that direction, it flew right out.  When you have dogs that go in and out a dog door all day, you tend to get some strange things in your house.  I could gross you out with stories. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Bird Nest in Door Wreath

[ Edited ]

@CherryHugs  Temporarily remove the wreath and toss the nest. They will go elsewhere and build a nest.

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Re: Bird Nest in Door Wreath

And, birds will make nests in hanging planters

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Re: Bird Nest in Door Wreath

Every year doves build a nest in one of my plants on a shelf right beside my patio door.  For a while I used to try to discourage them by banging on the patio door, going outside and waving my arms, and dismantling the nest.  Didn't matter what I did, they always rebuilt it.  So finally I gave up and let them do their thing.  When I water the patio plants, the momma bird flies away then comes back when I go in.  We use a different door to go out to the patio for the weeks that all of this goes on.  Seeing the baby birds at the end is worth the trouble.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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@Eileen in Virginia wrote:

Have you considered spraying it with insecticide? Bird nests can be infested with hordes of tiny fleas that will jump onto you if you get close enough. Also, I don't think birds like shiny or reflective items. Maybe you could place some mirror-like pieces on the wreath to shoo them away. Good luck! 

@Eileen in Virginia 


What a horrible suggestion, just poison the birds, huh????


If having a stupid wreath on your door vs. the life of living creatures is your priority, I feel bad for you.


Remove the wreath for awhile and they will build elsewhere, no need to kill them with insecticide.



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Re: Bird Nest in Door Wreath

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 wrote:

I had a bird in my house.  I think one of my dogs must have brought it in.  I opened the slider and herded it in that direction, it flew right out.  When you have dogs that go in and out a dog door all day, you tend to get some strange things in your house.  I could gross you out with stories. 



Cats are the worst...... A friend's step mom has reported dead snakes, gophers, and other assorted critters brought into her home, she lives in the Texas coastal area......  I guess I'm lucky with an occasional lizard or June Bug....😸...But one time a feral kitty I let in when it gets cold, brought in a live bird...she meowed and the bird flew out of her mouth...luckily I had my drapes and sliding glass door open and it flew right out and escaped...I checked around to make sure it was okay...and it looked like it made a safe get away....

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”