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 @jubilant   I’m sure there are Rabbi’s who have forgiven him for political reasons.They don’t speak for all of us. I have friends & relatives who are Rabbi’s & they disagree with you.

*************    I can only say this....If the shoe was on the other foot and one of your Rabbi's or someone you held in high esteem in your religion had died..... I would not bring up his past mistakes where people were mourning his death.  Billy Graham  did so much more right then he did wrong and that is why millions of people all over the world are mourning our loss of a great Christian leader.  Maybe you aren't.... but I can promise you many Jewish people are.  Christians and Jews alike.....we all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness at some time in our lives.  You have taken one incident in this man's life and will hold it against him till the day he dies and then some.  I don't understand it.  

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Re: Billy Graham has died

[ Edited ]



 @jubilant   I’m sure there are Rabbi’s who have forgiven him for political reasons.They don’t speak for all of us. I have friends & relatives who are Rabbi’s & they disagree with you.

*************    I can only say this....If the shoe was on the other foot and one of your Rabbi's or someone you held in high esteem in your religion had died..... I would not bring up his past mistakes where people were mourning his death.  Billy Graham  did so much more right then he did wrong and that is why millions of people all over the world are mourning our loss of a great Christian leader.  Maybe you aren't.... but I can promise you many Jewish people are.  Christians and Jews alike.....we all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness at some time in our lives.  You have taken one incident in this man's life and will hold it against him till the day he dies and then some.  I don't understand it.  




We probably don’t understand because we are not Jewish.  Well, I know I’m not.  I do get it, though.

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@Noel7   Thank You for understanding. We all have our different points of view based on our own experiences. We need to respect that not everyone shares our opinions & not take it personally!!

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Regardless of my opinion of him, the oustanding gift he leaves, imo, is his belief in not fearing death.  What will be, will be, but getting past that threshold is not usually anticipated without at least some anxiety. 

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@Noel7   Thank You for understanding. We all have our different points of view based on our own experiences. We need to respect that not everyone shares our opinions & not take it personally!!




My daughter’s paternal grandfather was Jewish.  His mother escaped a pogrom en utero with her mother. I learned everything I could so I could teach my girl.

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@Noel7 My fathers aunt, uncle & cousins died in the Concentration Camps.

  Years later growing up in Brooklyn my brother was constantly beaten up walking home from school because he wore a yarmulka.

  Some things you never forget.They stay with you forever.

   Thank you for sharing your story with me!!

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@Noel7 My fathers aunt, uncle & cousins died in the Concentration Camps.

  Years later growing up in Brooklyn my brother was constantly beaten up walking home from school because he wore a yarmulka.

  Some things you never forget.They stay with you forever.

   Thank you for sharing your story with me!!


I am so sorry @NicksmomESQMy husband had rocks thrown at him, with slurs, as he walked home from school.


I come from a long line of Protestant ministers on my father’s side, my mother was Catholic.  My girl has knowledge of it all.  She just had her ancestry done, mostly Welsh and Ashkenazi 😊

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I have Jewish relatives, and  a great respect for  the Jewish religion and culture.


I don't know much about Rev Graham, but I will say one thing. There has been no bigger champion of the Jews ,than the late Pope John Paull II.  I don't think he would have anything to do with Rev Graham, if he was truly anti semetic. It was shameful for him to say what he did, and I won't try to make excuses for that language.He did apologize for it ,so at least he had the grace to be ashamed of it.


JPII had many Jewish friends in Poland ,as a child ,and he had them all throughout his life. He always referred to the Jews, as our elder brothers in faith. When he died ,only one person was named in his will, and it was the Rabbi of Rome, a great friend of his

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Sad to hear of his death but he lived a long life.
I do have a few mixed feelings on his legacy. I have one of his books that I've enjoyed very much called The Secret of Happiness.
When I've seen tape of some of his old sermons on TV when he was quite young, I really do not like his style when he was younger but he seem to have mellowed as he got older.