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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

[ Edited ]

@cgil wrote:



 Here is one from my backyard last week - only a day old!  She's running now...

Hi precious.  So glad that you are enjoying the same things that we are.  Isn't it wonderful to see such beauty.  I love when they are only a few days old and their legs are pointing in all different directions.  Thanks for posting your pic.

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

@NickNack1 wrote:

@luvsbulldogs wrote:

@NickNack1 wrote:

She is beautiful. Woman Happy

Hi NickNack.......she is the size of a small dog.


Really?  That would be so wonderful to see.

Got to thinking that 2 feet tall is not the same as a small dog.  I would say a medium dog but about 2 feet tall.  Hard to tell if it is a male or female but it still comes around now and has grown considerably in a year. 

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

Cute! We occasionally get deer and various wildlife in our's always a joy to see them.

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

@Daisy wrote:

Cute! We occasionally get deer and various wildlife in our's always a joy to see them.

Hi glad to hear that you also are able to enjoy the beautiful wildlife. 

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

How adorable.   I have a lot of deer in my yard, but I never get to see them with spots here.

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

If I saw these babies in my backyard I'd never get anything done inside! LOL  So precious! Smiley Happy

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

@debc wrote:

How adorable.   I have a lot of deer in my yard, but I never get to see them with spots here.

Hi debc.......when they have spots they are very young.  Keep looking as this is the time of the year that they are usually born. 

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

@Preds wrote:

If I saw these babies in my backyard I'd never get anything done inside! LOL  So precious! Smiley Happy

Hi definitely is hard to get anything done when they are around.  My office desk looks out onto the back of our property and there is a lot of wildlife out there.  It is very difficult to get my work done when looking out the

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

@luvsbulldogs wrote:

A photo of a baby fawn in our front yard taken this time last year.  We are looking forward to the new ones soon.


I was not sure where to post this. I thought about Pet Lovers but a fawn is not a pet.






One year,  a doe and fawn got through a gate that we didn't know was broken, and DD and I didn't do anything for a week but watch them and take pictures, LOL, loved every minute.  We are fenced, so they usually can't get in, but we see them all of the time on the road and in orchards, usually a doe and two fawns.  The other day, I saw a small buck and doe at the edge of the road, usually the bucks are elusive, so this muct have been young.

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Re: Baby Fawn.....not sure if it belongs here

@mousiegirl wrote:

@luvsbulldogs wrote:

A photo of a baby fawn in our front yard taken this time last year.  We are looking forward to the new ones soon.


I was not sure where to post this. I thought about Pet Lovers but a fawn is not a pet.






One year,  a doe and fawn got through a gate that we didn't know was broken, and DD and I didn't do anything for a week but watch them and take pictures, LOL, loved every minute.  We are fenced, so they usually can't get in, but we see them all of the time on the road and in orchards, usually a doe and two fawns.  The other day, I saw a small buck and doe at the edge of the road, usually the bucks are elusive, so this muct have been young.

Hi mousiegirl.......isn't is great to see such beauty.  We have a lot of deer here and I was interested in as to why the bucks come and all the rest leave.  I bought a book on deer written by a woman that lives in a town near here and learned a lot about them.  I baby doe stays with the mother a lot longer then a baby buck does.  Things like that.  We have bucks come here but not as many as there are does.