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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

[ Edited ]

Thanks so much everyone. They have her back on morphine and are taking her back for more xrays today.  They think maybe her hip is broken, too.  I am waiting for a phone call. 


There is a flu epidemic and the hospital has limited visiting.  My sister told me not to bring mom to the hospital.  Everything in our hearts tells mom and I to go but our common sense is telling us not to. Of the 38 people who have died in Indiana from the flu, 15 have been elderly and Mom is 90 yrs. old.


We feel so helpless not being there but my brother is going during the day and her other two sons are going after they get off work.  Still... we want to be with her.  From what I have read on the mask thread....they are not all that good.  My sister barely left my side when I had my heart surgery so I just feel awful.  If I go see her without Mom, I still run the risk of getting it and giving it to mom  and I am the only available caretaker for her right now. I did get my flu shot in October and so did mom but don't know if we can count on that.  If it wasn't for mom, I would be there every day. My sister has been divorced for many years so there is no husband.

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant  could you Skype her?

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

Sending thoughts & prayers. God bless.
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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@cherry wrote:

@jubilant  could you Skype her?

I've never skyped.  I have called her once.  She was in too much pain to even talk so we only talked about 5 minutes.  She has her cell phone.  She doesn't do computers and only has a flip phone.  She called my mother this morning to give us this news.  It's just we have this "need" to be there ourselves.  It almost seems like it's harder on my mom for her not to be there. She doesn't drive and I feel awful telling her no but I think my sister is probably right with this flu being such an epidemic.  

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant   if you visit - without your mother (yes!) - can you facetime a bit between your sister and your mother? that way she can visit virtually.

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

Good News!  The hip isn't broken. She told mom not to feel badly as she wasn't feeling up to company.  She's exhausted.   

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant wrote:

Good News!  The hip isn't broken. She told mom not to feel badly as she wasn't feeling up to company.  She's exhausted.   

@jubilant At least that is fantastic news!  A broken hip is hard to get over.  But more prayers are going for all of you!

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

I'm so very sorry for your sister's troubles. I will most certainly say prayers for Deb and for you also.

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant  Was thinking about Deb tonight and glad to read that her hip isn't broken.  It's best not to visit and risk the chance of getting the flu.  


Perhaps someone at the hospital with a newer phone can have you facetime her to check on her, and allow your mom to see her.  Please let her know that all of us are praying for her.  I'm sure she is completely drained and exhausted, and so hopefully she is getting extra rest.


Be sure to take care of yourself AND your mom, that flu is scary, and getting the flu shot is great, but I don't think it completely makes you risk-free.

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Re: Asking once again for prayer for my sister

@jubilant wrote:

Many of you know that my sister's son died on Christmas Day by his own hand.  Many of you prayed and my mom even said she felt such strength to get through this...."like arms were wrapped around her".  We are a family who believes in prayer. We all held up extremely well at my nephews celebration of life.  It was an open house and the church served cookies, coffee,  and assorted drinks. We just know it is prayers that are getting us through.


 A couple of days ago my sister took a really bad fall.  She is in the hospital.  Her leg is so messed up.  One of the main bones is broken and  splintered most of the way down her leg and her knee cap is a mess.  They operated. All sort of pins and plates. She is in a lot of pain.  The doctor says she is in for a long recovery.   She has been through so much with the death of her son and now this.  She could sure use some more prayers and good thoughts. Her name is Deb. 

I'm so sorry!!!!!! Bless her heart...will her leg be ok?? I'll pray for Deb! Heart

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West