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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

I came back from college and lived with my parents for a year, I believe.  I feel sorry for those parents whose children want to remain children for the rest of their lives.

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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

@ID2 wrote:

If any of my kids were in that age group, came upon hard times, I would welcome them home with open arms! I know my kids know that they can always count on us. We'll always have their back. Heart

I've always believed that's what family is all about.  We're there for each other in good times and bad and if we all have to pitch in and live together make it, then that's what we would do.


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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

[ Edited ]

     When I had my son I made a lifetime commitment to be the best mom that I possibly could.I am extremely proud of the young man he has become! He is currently attending law school & working part-time.And yes he is living home.My husband & I wouldn't have it any other way.It is my absolute privilege & joy to help him in his journey!!

    We live in a very expensive area of the country.It's very difficult for young people getting started to go off on their own!! It will probably be another five years before my son is established enough to venture out on his own.Until that time we will be here for him.Home is his soft place to fall!! It always will be!!

    There is a saying "that you are only as happy as your most unhappiest child". That definitely applies to me.Right now I couldn't be more thrilled because my son is happy & excited & working hard toward his goal!! And what's even better is that he has chosen to share this time with his parents!! We are a very close family!! I consider myself truly blessed!!

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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I just do  not understand the youth of today.  I left to get out on my own at age 18.  I got my own apartment... held down three part time jobs... and never looked back.   Was it always easy..? NO! of course not.  But that is what growing up is all about.  


What kind of kid other than a moocher would want to live at Mommy's and Daddy's house after age 17??  Just losers.  Put on your big boy or girl pants and get out into the world and cut the imbilical cord. 

I left home as a teenager, too. Everything I had fit in 3 paperbags. I had no furniture, no bed & no tv. I did have a radio.


I worked ft but for minimum wage. Didn't have a car for awhile so I walked or when lucky, got a ride. 


I didn't need a FICO score to rent an apt, renter's insurance, car insurance, health ins wasn't mandatory. If I was sick, I went to the Free Clinic. If you could pay, it was $5.


Extended family living under 1 roof was the norm in my grandmothers time. So was ljving debt free. They were smart.


If you can make it work so that all beneft, why make a landlord & day care center wealthy off your paycheck?



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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I just do  not understand the youth of today.  I left to get out on my own at age 18.  I got my own apartment... held down three part time jobs... and never looked back.   Was it always easy..? NO! of course not.  But that is what growing up is all about.  


What kind of kid other than a moocher would want to live at Mommy's and Daddy's house after age 17??  Just losers.  Put on your big boy or girl pants and get out into the world and cut the imbilical cord. 

     You sound very bitter! You either don't have kids or had a tough life!! Things today are a lot different than when we were kids.Life has gotten tougher.As a loving parent it's my job to do right by my child.I know of parents who cut their kids loose & these kids are floundering & have no direction today.My child like many others are not lazy.They are hardworking kids who need a boost so they can make it in life.My son is working hard toward a goal he is not sleeping in  & partying!! 

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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

Yes, my 32 yo son lives with me, pays rent.  Would it be more socially acceptable if he had the house and I lived with him?

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Re: Are your adult children living at home?


Yes, my 32 yo son lives with me, pays rent.  Would it be more socially acceptable if he had the house and I lived with him?










during the late 70s and through the 80s we had our grandfather living with us. how wonderful it was for all of us to be able to have three generations live under the same roof.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I just do  not understand the youth of today.  I left to get out on my own at age 18.  I got my own apartment... held down three part time jobs... and never looked back.   Was it always easy..? NO! of course not.  But that is what growing up is all about.  


What kind of kid other than a moocher would want to live at Mommy's and Daddy's house after age 17??  Just losers.  Put on your big boy or girl pants and get out into the world and cut the imbilical cord. 

What you did as a teen was much easier back in the 70s.  It's offensive to think of young adult children as moochers.

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Re: Are your adult children living at home?

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I just do  not understand the youth of today.  I left to get out on my own at age 18.  I got my own apartment... held down three part time jobs... and never looked back.   Was it always easy..? NO! of course not.  But that is what growing up is all about.  


What kind of kid other than a moocher would want to live at Mommy's and Daddy's house after age 17??  Just losers.  Put on your big boy or girl pants and get out into the world and cut the imbilical cord. 

     You sound very bitter! You either don't have kids or had a tough life!! Things today are a lot different than when we were kids.Life has gotten tougher.As a loving parent it's my job to do right by my child.I know of parents who cut their kids loose & these kids are floundering & have no direction today.My child like many others are not lazy.They are hardworking kids who need a boost so they can make it in life.My son is working hard toward a goal he is not sleeping in  & partying!! 

 @NicksmomESQ  Not bitter at all.   Let me explain myself. This is just my viewpoint....please do not take it wrong.


Today's young are babied.. pampered way past adulthood..... every generation comes back with " but it was so much easier in your day...". That is just an excuse.  It was not easier in the 1970's.    


Yes, I believe in tough love.  I had a very nice life growing up...not tough. Wonderful loving hard working parents.    But, my parents encouraged making your own money and doing things for your self.  Jobs after school, babysitting, paper routes...if we wanted anything  besides the basic necessities.....WE bought it ourselves including our clothes for school when we were old enough to work afrter school jobs.  I liked having my own money and bank account at age 15!  I grew up being able to care for myself and understood finances.


After High school,   just wanted to spread my wings and fly on my own.  That is NORMAL.  My parents prepared me for that even as a young girl.  For adult children today, they seem to want their parents to coddle them. And their parents do.  Even after they are put through college paid for..... today's youth want to be cared for....  well into their 20's.  and they come home when the littlest problem crops up or ask for money.