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Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

I live in earthquake country and I admit, I'm woefully unprepared.  The only thing we've got going for us is earthquake insurance, other than that, we're sunk.


It makes me wonder if you who live in tornado prone areas have storm shelters? 


I often watch Pioneer Woman, who lives in the plains of Okalahoma. She has two beautiful houses but I've never heard her mention a storm shelter. Is it a common thing in those areas?


I'm just curious, because to me it sounds absolutely terrifying.

Hoping you are all safe and sound.


~ house cat ~
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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?


Tornado area here. No storm shelter but our basement is all under ground. Tornado Warning? To the basement and at times under something heavy and solid.



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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

My son lives in Oklahoma and no not everyone has a shelter. ....not even all of the schools.You would think with all of the weather that these shelters would be mandatory.They do have a very good warning system though with plenty of time to get to shelter somewhere.I know that people living there are the best and share what they have.My son was always invited to go to people's homes with shelters before he got one of his own.he now extends that same invitation to others.

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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

We love in a Tsunami mandatory evacuation area. I keep important papers in a grab and run envelope and puppy food, water, etc...ready to go. Our route up the mountain is at the end of the street. We have remter's insurance to replace "stuff", but we would take would take our laptops.

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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

@house_cat, warm greetings! I grew up in the Bay Area and lived through lots of earthquakes, but none were nearly so bad as the one in 1989. I had already moved to the upper Midwest by then, and found the television coverage to be heartbreaking. I commuted over the Bay Bridge daily for years.


Now I live in tornado country! Unless you live in a mobile home, 99% of the homes here have basements or lower levels for retreat when the tornado sirens go off. The mobile home parks have community safe places. There are siren poles all over the place, so every area of the city has coverage.


I have food and water for the rare circumstance that lives might be disrupted for any period of time. No place is without its potential natural disasters. I feel very safe here, and have friends that would come to my aid if my house took a direct hit. 

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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

We own homes along the Atlantic Coast, so hurricanes of course would be the big disaster.  Although we've only really been skirted by them for the past decade. 


Coastal storms and nor'easters can be just as bad as far as flooding, but all our houses are up high enough or are in areas high enough that we've never had water.


The good news is you have good warning ahead of time. 


We have a family home inland that our children and my siblings who live here can go to in the event of an evacuation. 


Up north, we can always go to my sister's house which is about an hour and a half away, if we had to.


We have flood insurance for four homes and have never once had to use it. 

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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

Been thru a couple earthquakes (big ones) tornado.......and evacuated from a hurricane.     Now living in AZ......which is pretty tame compared to other places...........

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

Been through the quakes here.  We are prepared for a day or so but really and factually, how can anyone really prepare for what is the unknown in a quake situation.  You do your best and just hope it's good enough. 

Lately, the geologists have stated that the large over due quake is going to go off at a larger scale than thought before - and possibly for a lot longer time span.  How would one ever be prepared to not have some loss.  Be thankful for each day. 

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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

I live in earthquake country, and I am prepaired.


I have a one month supply of food, 20 gallons of water, extensive first aid kit, cots, tents, emergency blankets, cooking supplies, etc.


Yes, I'd say that I'm prepaired.

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Re: Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

I live in hurricane country. We are completely insured and we store all our very important papers in our bank safety deposit box. We have a generator with enough power to keep the refridgerator running. We have steel storm shutters. We have a plan. We live in a house that was built to the very strict 2002 Miami Dade storm standards.I don't think there is anything else we can do. For the most part we aren't here during the hurricane season except for a few weeks at the end.