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On 11/8/2014 wookie said:
On 11/8/2014 NoelSeven said:
On 11/8/2014 Abby1967 said: I knew there had to be a few of us out there. Thank you for answering. I'm sure we can agree there's good things and bad things about being only children.

There's more good than bad, imo Smile I've researched quite a bit about it over the years.

The only drawback I've experienced is when my parents got older and needed help and I was their only child. But! I have a great husband who was with me and did so much. We've always been partners.

That is the only concern I have for my son. We never know what the future holds, but I never want to be a burden to him. My own mom in in the Vitas Hospice program. Unfortunately, my brother is the only one of my siblings who lives near her. He is a wonderful caretaker, but I wish I lived closer, so I could share responsibilities with him, and take a little bit off his shoulders.

Don't let this concern worry you too much. I am one of three children and I am STILL the only one in a position and willing to help my elderly parents. So being the sole person to have the care of parents isn't just an "only child" thing.

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My son is, hubby only wanted one. So we had dogs. We moved around every few years, and he learned how to make new friends and we filled in when we could as far as filling any empty hours. He didn't complain. To this day, we call our pet dog, his sister, he always laughs and rolls his eyes. He's well-adjusted and is a great son.

I must add, we are taking the steps to help him eventually deal with things as an only, and if one of us is around (only) for him to deal with. We're getting paperwork in order, plans tended to, and I'm doing a small book for him, to help guide with things I've learned in caring for our parents including when we pass, in case there's any decisions he might have to deal with. I think it's the least we can do.

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No, oldest of four. Siblings can be a pain when you are young, but I find that the older I got the more grateful I am they are in my life. They have given me some great nieces and nephews and when my father was very sick for 6 months before dying, I had a LOT of help and we all had each other to lean on during that time.

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On 11/8/2014 NoelSeven said:
On 11/8/2014 Skylands said:
On 11/8/2014 stargazer said:

Only child here. Hated it all my life and was not spoiled, almost the opposite. I have two grown daughters. One east coast and one west. They hardly ever speak and see each other. Makes me so sad.

Yes, well having a brother +/or sister is no guarantee you will be close or even like each other. Life is a lonely journey with or without siblings.

I've never felt lonely. It is said that only children learn at an early age to entertain ourselves.

You've "never felt lonely" in this life? Now U can because most people do. Isn't that why we have religion?

Congratulations. U must tell us how U became so enlightened?

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No, but my DS is......we wanted another child but it wasn't possible. DS has always had a tight knit group of friends and a cousin that is important in his life. On the other hand I do have one sibling and we have never been close and even though I would have enjoyed a close relationship it has never worked out to my regret. It is like we are from different planets and now that our parents are gone there isn't anything left for us to have in common.
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Registered: ‎06-26-2014
On 11/8/2014 my oh my said:
On 11/8/2014 NoelSeven said:
On 11/8/2014 brii said:

My oldest has a close friend that's an only child. She had a tough childhood because she was very bossy and very, very smart. I don't know if that had anything to do with being an only child or that was just her personality.

She puts a lot of pressure on herself to be perfect and has body dysmorphia issues now. She re-took her ACT several times because she wanted to score a 36. She got a 35.

You just keep digging yourself In deeper.

Do you ever get tired of ridiculing people?

Unless you agree with this poster be prepared to be chastised.

No one ridiculed only children or parents that have one child.

Posters that are only children reported their experiences. Other posters reported THEIR experiences with only children.

There was an only child in our group. I remember feeling poor because I had siblings, my parents could not run out and buy me anything I wanted, any time I wanted it.

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My son is. My 2nd husband couldn't have any which is hard to live with. I am thankful my son lives near and is very helpful.

I was 7 years younger than my brother. He accidently died when he was 32 so I miss getting to no him better.

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I don't think only children were being ridiculed either nor were those who didn't want their child to be an only being insensitive. We want what we want, if at all possible. I was getting the impression that those who were only children or had only children were being overly sensitive on the subject.

Ours is an only but he grew up surrounded by younger cousins. In many ways he probably was spoiled because we only had to buy for one as opposed to two or three. But he also was able to entertain himself at an early age (as was I, and I am not an only child). It's a misnomer that only children do this as opposed to those who have siblings. It's more the personality of the child than the amount of children in the family.

I'm not an only, as I said, but it fell to me to be the 'caretaker' of our mother. He said she was all mine as they moved out of state. He also made it very clear that he wouldn't be back to see her again. Not until she died, that is. His wife had been through being the responsible one for both of her parents even though she had a sibling living nearby.

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I am and so is DD.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 11/8/2014 Plaid Pants said:

My dad was 42 when I was born, my mother was 35. Not only did I have to deal with being an only child, I also had to contend with having parents that were "older". I still remember being asked as a child, if my dad was my granddad. I indignantly said, "No! That's my father!"

This was 40+ years ago, when it was "unusual" for parents to be that "old".

My Mother was older, and so was I, it just happened that way, not by choice, and my DD said she likes being an only child, whereas, I was very lonely as a child and wanted many children, but the way it turned out, I am grateful to have my wonderful DD.