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Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

Has anyone tried this?  Normally I don't eat fast food not that I don't like it but try to avoid carbs and that's hard to do with drive-through.


The deluxe wagyu beef burger was worth every carb lol!


Really thick burger, delicious drippy sauce, red onions, pickles lettuce and brioche bun.


Limited time supposedly and there is also a bacon one.  May have to try that too before they go away. Smiley Happy



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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

[ Edited ]

I wouldn't mind trying this, but would get it bunless. Probably would ditch the sauce, too, since they are usually loaded with sugar and junk oils. 

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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

I usually like Arby's food but I didn't think the burger was worth the price. I prefer the very yummy Wendys pretzel bun bacon pub burger, which is even a little cheaper.

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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

I've never tried it but don't know that I will now.  I didn't realize it came on a brioche bun and I'm not fond of them.  I normally order the Smokehouse Brisket sandwich.

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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

 lol  For my body, the bun could be the healthiest food on that plate of food. Wonder if I could eat just half of that thick juicy burger?    Scary I even think that way sometimes! 


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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

In my neck of the woods the best fast food hamburgers can be found at........


#1 - Donkey's - Camden, Joisey

#2  runner up - Checkers - Philly  (I also found one in Atlanta)


Donkey's uses huge caramelized onion slices as well as huge rolls.  Hamburgers are thick!

Both places, the hamburger are so juicy, you end up wearing the juices down the front of your outfit before the first bite. Smiley LOL



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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

[ Edited ]

@rockygems123,  are you saying that the burger actually looks like what is presented on their TV ads?  Miracle.


I've been really irritated lately by all the fast food burger ads, especially the one for McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese.


I have NEVER had a fast food burger than even closely resembles what is depicted in the ads and I particularly have never had a Quarter Pounder with Cheese that was drippy.


ETA:  The good thing is when one of the ads sets off a burger craving I make my own.

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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

I was going to try it last year when they first brought it out but decided against trying it.  I watched many youtube reviewers eating and some liked it and some did not.  I have been thinking again since they brought it back this year.  Arby's does not have a grill so the burger is deep fried like their french fries.  Not sure I want a deep fried burger because my luck I would become an ADDICT!!  Glad you enjoyed it, I do adore Arby's.

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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

We had it, I tossed the bun but the burger was really very good, ordered it without the sauce.


On the other hand last night my DH wanted the Arby's fish sticks, the plan was to peel the breading off. They were terrible, the fish was preformed flakes shaped into a 'fishstick' and each fell apart. Even my mooching kitty didn't want it, she ate the french fry my DH gave her instead! Won't be buying that again!


We don't eat this type of food very often, maybe every other I was VERY disappointed! I'll be making my own!

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Re: Arby's Wagyu Beef Deluxe Hamburger

Awful...the toughest burger I've ever had so after 2 bites I ripped it up & left it for the animals.