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Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

we have 3 dogs and always clean up after them but don't walk them. We have a nice fenced in yard for them that they love and we poop scoop every day sometimes twice a day.

I don't mind people letting their dogs go in our front yard but it is getting now that our grass is dying, turning brown, dying and bare/bald spots and don't want that for our front yard.

I don't want to put down anything that would harm pets since I also feed stray cats(also get them spayed and neutered and have food, water and shelter for them.

I thought some time ago I read about something that if you put it down dogs wouldn't go there anymore?

Does anyone know about anything like this that wouldn't harm animals?

I don't mean to sound harsh, love animals as anyone that knows me knows but DH has been complaining lately about the way our front yard is starting to look, any help is greatly appreciated, thanks

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

How many dogs are peeing in your front yard? Dozens? Are they loose dogs, or dogs being walked? It would take a lot of dogs to make your lawn die, turn brown, with bare spots. Maybe it's a tiny lawn, I'm thinking, but I feel like there is more going on here than dogs. If it's a healthy lawn, well watered and fed occasionally, it should tolerate some dog urine.

I believe there are products to repel dogs, seems to me one is even called Repel. May be available at nurseries or Home Depot, not sure if it works.

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

they are dogs being walked and is mainly between the sidewalk and the curb. We don't get into or out of our car at the curb without stepping in something all the time. Our yard is 70 feet wide and the problem is mainly between the sidewalk and the curb although about 2 feet in on the other side of the sidewalk also has the same brown/dead spots and we see the dogs going there. We didn't have this before the area got built up and see so many dogs being walked and stopped in front of our home. Maybe they think since we have dogs we don't mind? I don't know any of these people, can come from blocks around.

We do have a leash law as well as you have to carry a pooper bag and while a lot do carry them, they don't use them especially when walking at dawn or late night when they think no one is around or can be seen.

The poop isn't really as bad as the tinkling though since that is what is killing our grass.

I certainly don't want to put down anything that would harm any animal, just want the dogs to get out of the habit of tinkling there.

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

I just Googled and most say use either vinegar or a product called cat and dog repellent which comes in a liquid or granules.

I will first try a mixture of water and plain vinegar and see how that goes since they say dogs have such sensitive sniffers and won't go in places they don't like the smell. They prefer where other dogs have already gone and smell for that so, hopefully just the vinegar/water spray will to the trick.

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

Why not put a sign at the edge of your yard saying something like ""Please don't let your dog ""go"" here. We're trying to grow grass!""

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

already have that there, no good at all plus I have asked people I have seen doing this, next night, there they are again. We do have a leash law but these dogs are on a leash. There is nothing that says they can't tinkle anyplace, only po oper and you have to carry a bag for that which most do but most don't use it, only for show.

I clean up my back yard at least once a day and usually several times but hate stepping in stuff when I get into the car in the dark plus the ur ine is making round brown spots where they go only between the walk and curb and about a foot off the walk on the other side into our front yard.

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

Be careful with vinegar. I use it for weed control as it kills some but not all weeds.

This would not be a small thing to do, but you could plant a low hedge along the edge of your lawn with something like star jasmine or some appropriate plant. Then the dogs could not affect your main lawn. I assume you have a parkway and that is being damaged too. I don't know what to say about that except try the Repel (or whatever it is called). Maybe someone else here will have an idea for you.

Where I live, lots of dogs are walked, and I rarely see any piles. People pick up. Sorry your neighbors are so thoughtless.

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

I am diluting the vinegar but going to look into the dog/cat repellent sprays as long as that doesn't harm animals. I don't want anything that would harm them, just stop them from tinkling there. I don't even mind the poop as much since I can pick that up and it isn't killing the grass.

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

I bought a 1 1/2 gal. size of Natures Miracle, one with a battery operated sprayer that comes with it and going to try that on the grass between the walk and curb. I have more huge brown dead spots now than I have grass there so have to try something, vinegar isn't working.

I use this in the house NM for when they have an accident but don't have the one with the spray attachment so, hoping this works outside like it does inside.

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Re: Anything out there to make dogs stop going at the same spots please

As a last resort, you could always remove the grass and put in bushes with mulch. Or a landscape that includes some bushes and cobble (rocks) instead of grass.

Then it wouldn't get ruined.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero