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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

Well if people are doing this, it will be good news to all the prisoners let out of jail so they won't get the virus.  

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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

I'm going to take a hit, but I'll share my philosophy as there might be some that have never thought of things in this light before. 


We live a prepared lifestyle (more or less), which isn't the same as a hoarder or a tin foil hat wearing nut. It means we do everything in our power to be prepared for things that will happen in life (like taxes and death) and things that might happen in life. We believe in insurance, the kind you buy from an agent for your house, your car, your life, and the kind you build in assets that you need to survive, like your home, land, equipment, foods, vehicles etc.


The thing is, is that being prepared for one thing, can have you prepared for many others. Like if you have a 6 month supply of food on hand, because your job is seasonal and you often get laid off in cycles. That food will see  you through those times, but it will also see you through a death of a household wage earner, a bad snow storm that keeps you housebound for three or four weeks, some down time due to an unexpected illness, or even a run on goods during a pandemic. 


So having some cash on hand is always a good idea, for all the reasons above, and many more. How much will depend on one's lifestyle, debt level, number of people depending on you, how long you think you might need it, etc. I think it wise to keep at least a couple of month's expenses in cash at home, if you can afford to do so. 


It's even better if you can be debt free (something we are not, as of yet) or carry as little debt as possible. Fewer bills to pay, easier to ride out a crisis. 


But in a truly bad time, cash money will become useless at some point. Many believe gold and silver are good investments (and they are). But in some circumstances, having the things you need ( housing, food and household supplies, transportation, land, means to produce your own food etc) are/will/could  be of much more value than money. Having things that everyone needs, and others might want to trade with you for, could be more valuable than cash.


For us, it has always been a multi faceted approach, because some of your things will fail. Big fat bank accounts and investments can be taken, and that FDIC insurance is only as good as the money they might print to cover it. If the entire banking system collapsed (or even just a good portion of it), there simply aren't enough funds in the FDIC to cover everyone's deposits. 


In times of inflation, your money buys less. So owning out right your land, your vehicles, your home, plenty of supplies for your family, makes sense, purchased and paid for at cheaper prices. 


Having a savings, investments, insurance, and assets are all part of a well rounded plan . We believe in all those things.


So to answer the original question, yes, we did withdraw some cash, 'just in case', more than we usually keep on hand. We did not liquidate everything we own, or drain all accounts, by any means. 


And as far as 'not going to/needing one more thing to worry about'.....well, it is what it is, and not facing the possibilities doesn't make it any less possible, and doesn't make it go away. It actually just adds to the stress in knowing you haven't done something that might need done, or at least considered.


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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

@kitcat51 wrote:

No...& spreading fear needs to stop.


What is different in the way people are wired?


One person's 'spreading fear' is another person's being prepared (and sharing the idea). 

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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

@Isobel Archer wrote:

Well if people are doing this, it will be good news to all the prisoners let out of jail so they won't get the virus.  

@Isobel Archer  Our Godson is a prison guard. No one there has been let out. Thank goodness as he needs his job.

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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

@kitcat51 wrote:

No...& spreading fear needs to stop.













Nothing more than fear mongering.







The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

No, I haven't. I don't think we will lose what is in the bank. 

Sure as I withdrew a bunch of money, we'd have a house fire and there we'd be. No home and the cash up in smoke.

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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

 I see nothing wrong with releasing prisoners who did not commit violent crime and who are near the end of their sentence.


They weren't sentenced to death.

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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

[ Edited ]

Banks are FDIC insured.

Not all banks are FDIC-DIF insured.

Not all credit unions are insured and they are not insured FDIC, they are NCUSIF insured.



If you have a fire in your home and had money in a secured container that did get damaged but still had paper money in it, and the bills could be almost  reconstructed, serial numbers showing, matching, et cetera, you can bring it to the bank and they will look at it, and could issue you the amount left that could be identified. Not all banks will readily do this but it could be done.



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Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

Whatcha gon do when the desperado shows up at your door with a gun demanding your cash?





Well, i'd rather give him cash than take a trip to the ATM with him, but most likely he would be carried out on a stretcher to the county morgue.


We stash more than cash in our home.



I'm assuming the ATMs wouldn't be working.


But hey, you go, tough girl!

Then what would you do if you had no cash and the ATM's were down?  Give him an IOU from the FDIC?

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Registered: ‎09-12-2010

Re: Anyone withdrawling cash "just in case"?

Accounts are insured by the FDIC based on ownership at each bank. All joint accounts with husband/wife (for example) are insured together. There are a number of types of ownership that can be used to insure your funds for more than $250,000 at your bank. Please don't jump to conclusions. Ask your personal or private banker to show you how to ensure you are insured adequately if you have more than $250,000 in your bank(s) (excluding funds in your investment accounts).