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My dog spirit kept me busy , playing ball,and all ,he was with me every minute, i miss him so much. So trying to  live without my baby, is lonely.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I’m never bored.  I still work 6 days a week, and I long for retirement (a few more years). But so many say don’t wish your life away.  But my job is very demanding right now, and just love an hour with my iPad in the evening!  I count my blessings, and I know Covid has been tough on many with changed schedules, kids or spouses working at home.  For once I would like a finished list with all tasks checked off!


I want to be bored just once!  

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Never bored, its great to do something or do nothing. I would be really mad if the power goes out because I love watching TV or getting on the internet to watch my favorite kitten channel.

Getting dark early is not great and I count the months until the time changes back again. 


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My mother was an English war bride, @goldensrbest.  I visited a few times when I as younger.


I am so sorry you lost your dog companion.  It's so hard to have a beloved pet die.


Glad you enjoyed Maggie Cole.

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Being bored is sort of my default setting, LOL!


I've basically gotten used to it and kind of like it.  Even before covid, I'm basically happy at home.  So I've been able to follow safer at home guidelines fairly easily.  The weather is usually nice for a quick daily park or beach outing.  Looking forward to rain if we ever get some, which we need. 


I hang out with Mosey, and my SweetieBear dh when he is home.  

The former and current and still "MrsSweetieBear".
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@happycat wrote:

@goldensrbest wrote:

I am bored, 42 degress here,cold rain, not a thing on tv.

I'm bored too, and honestly feeling kind of stressed out. Shoulda known better than to turn on the news earlier. 

Its cold and raining here too. Been raining all day, suppose to rain all night. This weather does nothing for anxiety or depression. 

Boredom never bothered me ---- but I'm totally scared about America's future. Turning on the TV confirms how violent and depressing everything has become. I grew up at the best time in America --- doubt that it will ever return to its greatness. It amazes me how RICH Americans HATE US!!!!!!!!!

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I have hobbies.  My husband has hobbies.  Retirement is better that way.

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Re: Any one bored?

[ Edited ]

We are 35 degrees below the normal temp here with cold rain...gloomy, cold, and wet. Got up to 44 degrees today and rained almost all day. More of the same tomorrow. Will be making a big pot of veggie soup tomorrow. Even though I cleaned out and donated a lot of things back in April, I will get together some coats and jackets and other cold weather things and take them to the local drop-off place. Will feel I have done something constructive. This weather is so hard on the homeless and others who simply cannot afford to keep themselves and their kids in warm clothing they need now...check with your local school district and they will tell you how to donate to their clothing closet for kids who need coats. Am grateful to be in a safe, warm home and to be able to help others.

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@goldensrbest You've probably answered this a number of times but I haven't seen, any plans to get another pup?

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010
DD called me yesterday and told me her DH was driving her nuts because he works from home now full-time instead of traveling four days a week like he has for years. Are you and your significant other tired of looking at each other yet?