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Re: Any one bored?

[ Edited ]

I get cabin fever sometimes but not truly bored.  Most days I can get out to walk for a bit.


As to the tv try The Trouble With Maggie Cole.  It was available online at the PBS site.  I believe there are only two episodes so far.  For anyone with Netflix The Queen's Gambit is interesting, even though it involves chess 😏


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No. I’m never bored. I am way to busy to be bored. I work full time and could use many more hours in any given day do non-work things. I’ve got a list a mile long of things I’d do if I just had more free time.

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@tarsmom   I am the one that can 'usually' find something to do...DH not so much.  When he gets home at noon ish...he generally has no plan for the rest of the day.  Even with out covid, our area does not have a lot to do...small rural area.


We have no responsibilities either....except for keeping the house up and come winter, it just gets worse.


Enjoy your retirement.

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@Mom2Dogs wrote:

@tarsmom   I am the one that can 'usually' find something to do...DH not so much.  When he gets home at noon ish...he generally has no plan for the rest of the day.  Even with out covid, our area does not have a lot to do...small rural area.


We have no responsibilities either....except for keeping the house up and come winter, it just gets worse.


Enjoy your retirement.



Funny, my dad was like me and my mom like my husband.  My dad was always "what are we having for dinner (at 10:00 a.m.).  My mom was like:  "go call John and see if he wants to golf."  Once he did, then she was relieved for a few hours because he would pace like an animal - what are we going to dooooooo?   LOL


Hopefully, I will calm down eventually!

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Re: Any one bored?

[ Edited ]

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

I worked today (short day) but our business is so slow I have not had a full day in a very long time.  


DH is home at noon on days that are my day off and it is driving me crazy.  


I am not used to not working and especially not used to having DH home all the time....(no snary comments please).  I am one of those people that need alone time and it is really getting the best of me. 

I can relate! DH is self employed (but pre-Covid would go to his office). He's been working at his home office since March; it's driving me crazy! I need to be busy, but try not to make too much noise since he's working and on the phone. And I understand about not getting alone time!


Oh.....and it's 40 degrees and gray, gloomy, drizzly here. 

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I'm trying not to be; does that count?

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I never use to be but more bored now than ever before.

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Some days I am but not today. Pulled out frost bitten flowers, tilled the flower bed and mulched the lawn before moving the planters into the garage. Tomorrow I'll take it easy.

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@tarsmom ...Hope I do as well!

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@tansy wrote:

I get cabin fever sometimes but not truly bored.  Most days I can get out to walk for a bit.


As to the tv try The Trouble With Maggie Cole.  It was available online at the PBS site.  I believe there are only two episodes so far.  For anyone with Netflix The Queen's Gambit is interesting, even though it involves chess 😏

Iwatched both episodes of the trouble with maggie cole, so good thanks for mentioning it, i just love english shows, if i had the money ,and could that is were i would live,loved it when my husband was in the air force way back in early 70's,we lived there 4 yrs.


When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.