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Re: Any New Years Resolutions yet?

I don't make resolutions.  I feel like if it's important enough to do, just go ahead and do it.  I don't understand waiting for some random date to begin something unless you're looking to fail knowing you'll be in good company.  If you fail, try again......immediately. Don't wait for that random date to come around again.  There's nothing magical about the new year. 


Try baby steps rather than a large, difficult goal.  For example, when I stopped smoking I didn't set out to stop.  I set out to hold off on that first cigarette of the day.  And then I just kept putting it off until I hadn't had one the entire day.  At that point, I decided i could do it.  I did keep a pack in the glove compartment for years.  Probably would've tasted awful after that amount of time.  I smoked the menthol ones.

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Re: Any New Years Resolutions yet?

@icezeus wrote:

I stopped making them a few years back, simply because I never held to them. This year, I will attempt one again.


I have too much stuff in my home. I started feeling this way after my aunt passed, and all of the things that she had in her home (a ridiculous amount of items) were either given away, donated or trashed. 


I want less stuff in my home will be my New Year Fresh start pledge. I will dump one item that I do not need every day. If I could stick to this, I would have gotten rid of 365 items by years end. 


I actually started a few days ago, so I am ahead already. (smile) 

Come and join the decluttering thread in the home forum. It helps keep me and others motivated!  They start a new one every January.  

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Re: Any New Years Resolutions yet?

Definitely must improve my eating habits. This is a resolution I have to keep. In the past, I broke my resolutions after a week.

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Re: Any New Years Resolutions yet?

[ Edited ]

@AuntG wrote:

Definitely must improve my eating habits. This is a resolution I have to keep. In the past, I broke my resolutions after a week.


@AuntG Me too. This is definitely a tough one but I have to break my crutch on food.  I am an emotional eater, it’s not out of hunger so if I can find other things to relieve my stress or whatever in the moment, I am thinking this is doable. Well, maybe not so easy, but doable.

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Re: Any New Years Resolutions yet?

[ Edited ]

@SloopJohnB wrote:

I have to learn to bite my tongue more.  Have to learn to just let things go. 👅


Have to pray more and give thanks.  Have to be grateful for all I have.  Sometimes I forget this.  🙏

Well, that didn't last long...   I already broke my first sentence's resolution... lol     🙃

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread