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That's okay, I'm sure you're a good-hearted lady @grandma petes .  We just don't want anyone here to be taken advantage of or unjustly used.  I'm not unsympathetic  with Antonella's plight but just want to be sure everything is legit since there is no verification possible.

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Conned? Her arm was sutured from well above her elbow to her wrist. Her surgeon told her what he thought it was, but the biopsy said otherwise. Now she's getting a second opinion and waiting for test results. I'd be all over the place emotionally too. Lifting her up in my prayers for a clear diagnosis, expert care, and restored health. She's had a terrible year.
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@grandma petes wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

Many, many,many, too many threads.

I guess I have a different mind set about the Antonella posts. She seems like a wonderful person and with what she's facing in her life, any and all positive posts seem to make her happy. If we can't support and uplift those dealing with difficult times, then what the H*LL should we do? 
I'm sorry for sounding so harsh, but Kachina....your posts can be very negative and I would hope that if you were facing such challenging times in your life, you would welcome the concern from fellow posters. I hope there are many, many more threads about Antonella...and I hope she sees that many of us truly care. Positivity is what this world needs, especially now....and especially for Antonella.

@grandma petes  .... I agree with you 100% .... I am truly surprised at what some of the posters have written & I am sure that these posters would not want to trade places with Antonella .... they seem to be very cold hearted people & I would not want them as friends .... no one is asking them to donate to a go fund me page ... Antonella is going through hell & hopefully she pulls through this so, instead of writing their nasty posts maybe if they just said a prayer for her and leave it at that ...... I just can’t believe how horrible some of them are ... obviously they never had any  deadly sickness to deal with ... so sad 😢😪

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My deepest sympathy to Antonella.


Cancer is still not totally known, understood or able to be fully treated.  There is rarely a quick or easy solution.


Lifestyle behaviors and environmental factors are major causes of cancer.  This would include high stress situations, such as job insecurity and family anxiety.


I am sending my prayers and best wishes.  




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May Antonella have a swift and complete recovery.  She is a sweetly 

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@Sapphiregal I always liked watching Antoinella.  I was relieved for her when I heard her surgery went well!  SHe occasionally pops up on a few facebook pages and updates on her health and what she's been doing since leaving Q. I'll have to check out her YouTube. 


BTW...Love your tag and couldn't agree more (DOG is GOD spelled backwards!) and Sapphires are my birthstone.  We have so much in common (LOL!) 


Enjoy the day-!!

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She's got blood cancer and now they've found a lump in her breast and both she and her husband have lost their jobs.  Can you even imagine???


I'm not going to criticize her nor am I going to criticize anyone for starting a thread or two threads or whatever.  Starting multiple threads is not a big deal for Pete's sake.  I'm going to hope that she will be ok, that they will be ok.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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No jobs, more than likely no insurance in and of itself has to be extraordinary pressure.  Add in a life threatening medical condition and more than likely no one to talk to, she reaches out to the people who can comfort her most right now, her fans.  

My job was my life, I was my job.  When I lost it, I lost a big part of myself.  Sounds like the same for her.

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@FatCatinCT wrote:

No jobs, more than likely no insurance in and of itself has to be extraordinary pressure.  Add in a life threatening medical condition and more than likely no one to talk to, she reaches out to the people who can comfort her most right now, her fans.  

My job was my life, I was my job.  When I lost it, I lost a big part of myself.  Sounds like the same for her.



@FatCatinCT    Why wouldn't she have insurance?  COBRA is available for anyone who loses their job for at least 18 mos.  

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@grandma petes.  There have been a number of conflicting reports on this issue, some from Antonella herself, as well as her early efforts to solicit funds from her fans.  I may be very wrong, and hope I am, but I keep getting the nagging feeling that we're  being conned.  Past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior so I think it prudent to proceed conservatively.  We constantly hear news reports about people who feigned serious illness to get sympathy and funds.  None of us really knows Antonella or anything about her character;  we really have no way of knowing if she's a wonderful person. We don't need misplaced positivity so I think it's best to proceed without going overboard.  I'm just wondering how we'll ever know the truth.

What an appalling post! Suggesting Antonella is untruthful about a CANCER diagnosis? After the massive surgery on her arm??? Wow!