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And another nice delivery from Instacart!

[ Edited ]

I've become such of a fan of this.   I've been with them since this pandemic started.  There were a few hic ups in the beginning.  But ever since, it's been smooth sailing.  Just got the delivery 10 minutes ago.  Got most of what I wanted.  And all the replacements were approved.  The shopper kept in touch with me the entire time.  And my itemized receipt came in.  


I only joined it for the pandemic, but I like it so much I will stay with them.  I have the free delivery too.  I still can't find a delivery slot from Amazon, but now I like Instacart better.  

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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

The shopper makes all the difference. Glad it is working for you.

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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

I've been doing pickups at Kroger during the pandemic...they are waiving the $4.95 fee while this is going on.  I really like it, too....I am actually spending less now, due to no impulse buying.  I think I'll continue with this in the future, also.

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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

@songbird wrote:

I've become such of a fan of this.   I've been with them since this pandemic started.  There were a few hic ups in the beginning.  But ever since, it's been smooth sailing.  Just got the delivery 10 minutes ago.  Got most of what I wanted.  And all the replacements were approved.  The shopper kept in touch with me the entire time.  And my itemized receipt came in.  


I only joined it for the pandemic, but I like it so much I will stay with them.  I have the free delivery too.  I still can't find a delivery slot from Amazon, but now I like Instacart better.  



@songbird   I am thinking of using Instacart for Costco from now on.  The deliveries from there are quick and received everything but TP.  I am still having issues with items being replaced after I specified no replacements so will see.

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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

I have become a huge fan of Instacart as well!  I just had an order from Costco which arrived within 2 hours of placing the order.  I got everything on my list.  I have had a lot of deliveries from various stores and every one of my shoppers has been great.  My next door neighbor (we often piggyback on each other's orders if we only need a few things) had a terrible shopper the other day.  I guess it was bound to happen.  Other than that one -- hers have all been great too.  I always watch when the shopping is being done so I haven't had any issues of getting replacements I don't want.  I either approve or not in real time.  I just might never go food shopping in person again!!

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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

I've been using IC for work for a couple of years from Wegmans and Costco and have been very happy.


I started using it for Wegmans for home in March and have had no issues other than some things were not available early on, but that is not IC's fault.


I tried the curbside pickup option for Wegmans and it's just better to do delivery since I am working from home.


Getting a slot is getting easier as well.  I just have to keep checking for an opening and then nab my spot.  I then add stuff to my order after I get my spot.


Worthy every penny

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

@VaBelle35 @judy0330 @mousiegirl @alicedee @hopi  I think it's the shopper too.  I only got one that was bit careless.  Since then they have been great!  I get my shopping with Giants & Wegmans.  I haven't tried Costco yet.  i always pick "fast & flexible" button to start.  I start it in the morning  (pick my food the night before) and I usually get the food before noon.  I work at home too.  So I like to stay there.  


I was with Amazon Fresh for nearly 3 years.  It all got ruined by thousands of people that jumped on it when the pandemic struck. It became impossible to find a slot.  I doubt I'll ever back to it.  The free Instacart delivery is so worth it, if you do weekly shopping. 

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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

I did delivery a few times at the beginning...but my budget is tight, and the delivery fee plus tip started to add up.  Also I was barely driving and at one point my car didn't want to start,  I figured it was best to drive the mile to Kroger each week to keep it running smoothly!



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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

I have become a fan of Instacart, too. So far so good. Placed 3 orders from 2 different stores and everything went smoothly. Putting in the next order next week.

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Re: And a nother nice delivery from Instacart!

I read the Reddit Instacart Shopper forum and I really feel for them.


They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.


My shopper yesterday was trying to be helpful and substitute things I said could be substituted, like paper towels.  So he substituted with napkins, which I did not approve and those were refunded.


But then he also went to the counters and had my california rolls and sub made special because they were out in the pre-made area.



QVC Shopper - 1993