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An update on dogs in the grocery store

My DH had notified the board of health about the dogs in the grocery store and they have gotten back to us. They sent agents to the store who did observe the problem and the store has been warned and will be fined. The law (ADA) states that SERVICE DOGS only are allowed in the grocery store and that they are absolutely not allowed in the grocery carts but MUST be on the floor and controlled by a leash of no longer than 6 ft., and a collar around the neck. They MUST be wearing a certified service dog vest. 

The grocery store in question is being required to wash down all their grocery carts with disinfectant as well because  of allowing the dogs to sit in them. Under no circumstances is it legal for a dog to be in a grocery cart.

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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,102
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

Thats good to know....I have always thought it unsanitary for animals of any kind to sit in the carts where we put our food...


Of course some kids are pretty dirty too...and who knows if they have pottied in their pants ...and are sitting in that cart..however they are humans and we can't expect people to leave their children at home....


Lets hope the store you speak of did clean the shopping carts...and are more diligent about pets in the store...hopefully they will put a notice in the window so people know their pets are no longer allowed in to shop...

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

I think it is very unusual for any agency to get back to you telling you the details of their findings.


I have over the years reported unhealthy conditions and even child abuse.


AlI ever received in return was a letter stating that they investigated the issue.  There were no details telling me of their findings or solutions.


This is impossible for me to beleive.  Sorry.

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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

Grocery carts are disgusting...period. Doesn't matter who or what's been in them, stores need to clean them! Gross.Smiley Tongue Wish I didn't have to use them.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

Thank you!  Well done by you and your husband.  

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Posts: 14,488
Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

@SilleeMee wrote:

Grocery carts are disgusting...period. Doesn't matter who or what's been in them, stores need to clean them! Gross.Smiley Tongue Wish I didn't have to use them.

Seriously.  All those PEOPLE hands all over them.  Who knows where THEY'VE been..





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Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,488
Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: An update on dogs in the grocery store

@Carmie wrote:

I think it is very unusual for any agency to get back to you telling you the details of their findings.


I have over the years reported unhealthy conditions and even child abuse.


AlI ever received in return was a letter stating that they investigated the issue.  There were no details telling me of their findings or solutions.


This is impossible for me to beleive.  Sorry.

Plus, this reply took only, what, a couple weeks?


I don't think so.