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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: An inspirational NFL story

John, the ones that cause trouble are the ones who make the news most of the time so people generalize that "they're all that way". Not true.

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Posts: 449
Registered: ‎10-19-2011

Re: An inspirational NFL story

On 9/23/2014 NoelSeven said:
On 9/23/2014 herekitty_kitty said:
On 9/23/2014 Jig Saw said:
On 9/23/2014 herekitty_kitty said:

Nice efforts. Did they forget about all the children here in America that need a home?

That is exactly what I was thinking.

It's too bad others do not feel the same way. Too many are willing to offer a hand to others and let the ones right here at home starve, go homeless or become property of the state.

Kids in America are not living in a gutter and starving to death. Not unless they're in the care of a monster.

"The news: While Miley Cyrus may have shone the national spotlight on youth homelessness during the MTV Video Music Awards last month, the issue looks bleaker than ever.

According to a new report released Monday by the U.S. Department of Education, homelessness among U.S. public school students is not only on the rise, it has hit a record high: 1.3 million children were identified as homeless in the 2012-2013 school year, an 8% increase from the year before.

The report also found that around 75% of these students were living in "doubled-up" situations, where multiple families share a residence due to economic hardship (defined as a homeless situation under the McKinney-Vento Act). Around 16% lived in shelters, another 6% lived out of hotels or motels and 3% had no shelter at all. About 76,000 students said they lived on their own."

The numbers are going up yearly. Sad the 76,000 aren't looked at first to help. The numbers do not include toddlers or infants. The figures are computed and based on public school students. Too many are lost and have fallen through the cracks. it is bad when you have to have miley cyrus bring the epidemic to the forefront.