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Re: Amal Clooney pregnant with twins

[ Edited ]

@physicsnut wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Hmmm,,,I'm surprised you care or know about these people. So funny. No one in my family was a grandmother at age 39, but that's just the way we roll.


            I was talking about G. clooney - he is old to be having first children - age 56. He will be 74 at their high school graduation!  That is how old most grandfathers are!  Good Grief!  39 is no spring chicken when it comes to being a first time mother, but I am sure the nannies can handle it. 

Strom T was 68 when his first child was born to his wife and him and 74 when his last child was born.



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Re: Amal Clooney pregnant with twins

[ Edited ]

@physicsnut wrote:

@JaneMarple wrote:

@physicsnut wrote:

@JaneMarple wrote:

@physicsnut wrote:

@JaneMarple wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@physicsnut wrote:

He is 56 in May and she is 39.  Theyare so old to be having babies.  They, of course, will have nannies to care for them. Most people their age are already grandparents!

And omg, Mrs leader was 36 when she gave birth to her first child!


And she probably had nannies too, what a shame!


                 Big difference in 36 and 39 - for a woman. An OB physician will tell you that...

Wow @physicsnut THREE whole years!!!! What is the world coming to?


     It makes a BIG  difference when carrying a child.  Very high risk.

@physicsnut So the couple who were 60 and 36 are the exception but the couple who are 55 and 39 are to be villified? Why????



       Just let it go. I forgot you are the expert on everything around here...


Let it go because you've been proven to be hypocritical about this couple who has done nothing to you? @physicsnut What about the the guy who will be Eighty when his son graduates from high school? 


You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Amal Clooney pregnant with twins

Older woman tend to have a higher incidence of fraternal twins naturally. They produce more FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone) which makes releasing two eggs more common. 

So I never assume that "advanced maternal age" which is considered >35 years means it's automatically IVF. 


That, plus it's none of my business. 

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Re: Amal Clooney pregnant with twins

She looks gorgeous on the red carpet (and isn't even very big yet, even with twins):

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Re: Amal Clooney pregnant with twins

Will Amal and George have a gender reveal party?  Might as well, it's all the rage.

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Re: Amal Clooney pregnant with twins

@ValuSkr wrote:

Will Amal and George have a gender reveal party?  Might as well, it's all the rage.

@ValuSkr  They've already announced it's a boy and a girl.

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Re: Amal Clooney pregnant with twins

@Pearlee wrote:

@ValuSkr wrote:

Will Amal and George have a gender reveal party?  Might as well, it's all the rage.

@ValuSkr  They've already announced it's a boy and a girl.

Thank you - no point then in having a party!  Smiley Happy