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Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

@Annabellethecat66, you're right, wait for the last one you mentioned. They'll only improve it, no doubt. Bawahahahahahahaha.

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Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Just how much freaking cheese do people eat anyway?


It's just a theory of mine but I'm convinced that the reason everyone is so onery, confrontational, etc. these days is because everyone is so constipated from eating so much ....(insert your word) cheese.


Buy a get asked "You want cheese on that"?  Buy get asked...."You want cheese on that?"


I've been watching Jan shred cheese since last night....Who eats that much cheese??

@Annabellethecat66, boy, when you're right, you're right!!! LOL

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Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

Oh @Annabellethecat66 your posts always make me giggle.  Woman LOL


Cheese is about my favorite food in the whole world.  If anyone asks me "do you want cheese on that?" my answer is always YES.



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Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

Well if you're not going to use "the thing" what's the point.  Just don't buy it.  There will always be bigger and better no matter what the product.  People that have purchased them and own them for 20 years are still happy with it so it's your loss.  But then again, you weren't going to use it to begin with.

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Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

Cheese is one of my favorite foods, eat a lot of it! Don't have a Vitamix so can't comment on that. But, if you don't cook, you don't need one! Ha!

Posts: 73
Registered: ‎11-19-2010

Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

There's a sucker born every day.....gotta have it even though I have one already but because someone says it so I'll buy it and by the way what is the fascination with the mike he wears no one else has ever worn one for any other appliance, dollars to donuts it doesn't work just a prop.

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Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

@WSfan wrote:

Sometimes I feel that I'm the only one in this country that DOESN'T own a Vitamix....and it doesn't bother me one bit. First of all, I have no room on my counter for the thing. I have a small kitchen and my blender is in the cabinet. Second, my 40+ year old Oster that I received as a bridal shower gift can do most of what the Vitamix can do. I do realize that it can't do everything, but I did say MOST. Thirdly, it does't make enough hot soup for the 3 people who live in this household, so why bother with that?  And to add, for the price of that thing, it has to do a lot more than grind, whip, crush, mix, etc. It had better do the shopping and cleaning also!!! I know, I know, we have to justify that it is made in the US. So when my Oster decides to bite the dust, I will be shopping around, but it won't be for a Vitamix. Right now, it will probably be for a Ninja blender.

      Nope, you aren't alone.  I don't have one and don't want one.  I use     my blender maybe once a year.

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Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

I've learned a long time ago when QVC puts an item on special low price, like VM or computers, vacuums, etc, that usually means they are cleaning out to make room for the new & improved.


I purchased K42973 when it was under $400.    I love mine.  I don't have room on my counter but I have a surface in my attached dining room (kitchen & DR are one big space) right near an outlet and it stays there.   It's very convenient because I use it almost every day.   I don't regret my purchase.


I have all the same dials & buttons on the front EXCEPT the pre-sets, which I don't find necessary.    I like to control what I'm doing.    For example, their soup timer works only if all your ingredients are room temperature.   If you are pulling everything out of the refrigerator to use, you will need to run it for  more than 6 minutes.   Not a biggee for me, pre-sets are redundant.  I can't imagine VitaMix coming out with anything new & improved enough to tempt me to purchase.





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Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

Wow!  Thanks to all of you for posting!  You have to admit...this was kinda fun...right?  So the jury says.....those that like cheese really like, those that don't, don't like it, and then there are those who can take it or leave it.  Ha!


I just sat in front of the TV last night and today and watched him grind up all of that cheese and I thought I'd post what I'm always saying (about the constipated thing).


This is true...about 2 weeks ago I was going through the Chick-Filet and giving the girl my order.....she says, "You want chees with that?"  I said what I posted here about the constipation thing (making my granddaughters laugh) and the girl says (over the loud speaker)....


"You know, that's EXACTLY what my Dad says all of the time.....except he's serious because my Mom IS always constipated".  I thought that  was priceless.....


Have a good week you guys and thanks for responding!  I've decided I don't need the Vitamix (well, I just got back from I'm not hungry)....Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Am I The Only One Who.......??

Can I grind whole coffee beans in the VM? 


I just realized I bought two bags of WHOLE coffee grounds....ugh.


Waving Hi to AB!