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I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you can spend it with family and friends. For those of you like me who will be alone, know that I am thinking of you. Just because your alone you can still make yourself a fine meal. I'm making a dessert I enjoy and bought a turkey breast I'll make with a baked potato. Oh yeah I took out homemade lentil soup from the freezer. So don't feel bad for me, I'll be okay!

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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

It sounds like a delicious Thanksgiving feast.

Sending you a Thanksgiving hug.

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I'm alone and very content.


I prepared a marinade for a boneless loin of pork today and it's soaking in a zip loc bag in the fridge. I will roast that for myself tomorrow. Already prepared glazed carrots and mashed potatoes, so I can reheat the side dishes while the pork is in the oven. It's a very favorite meal and I am looking forward to it. Ice cream for dessert if I'm not too stuffed! 

I'll glance at  the Macy's parade on TV in the morning, and switch to watch the Dog Show after that. Probably some Netflix or a book while my dinner is cooking. 

Wishing everyone a peaceful, safe Thanksgiving, and  stress-free fun with family or friends. If you are alone like me, be thankful for the quiet and ease of being home taking care of yourself. 

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My second reply to this post.  Although I'm looking forward to it, we are heading out for a 10 day cruise on Dec 5. 


The downside is that I can't do any Black Friday or Cyber Monday shopping as I don't want packages to be delivered while I'm away. It's definitely a first world problem. 

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@Jordan2  Happy Thanksgiving~~


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If you shop on Amazon, get an Amazon locker and you can pick up your packages when you return. Have fun on your cruise! 

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Since *THIS* is the "Thanksgiving Singles - 2022" version thread,


I'll bring the "semi-yummy" Green Bean Casserole. 

"Semi-yummy" because frozen green beans wont fit in my fridge freezer & have to resort to canned beans, Woman Wink  Hope you dont mind! 

   My upright freezer (or electrical plug) in on the fritz, and there's NO WAY frozen green beans room in the Fridge Freezer beats "KLONDIKE BARS!"  So i'll "suffer"  heh

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Happy Thanksgiving to you! My sister is waiting for a new brace and shoe so she not mobile and will stay home on Thanksgiving. She's going to celebrate alone. She ordered the Chinese food she loves today and some bakery goods. And wine coolers. She's looking forward to football and food.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Jordan2 , @gizmogal , and @MakeUpMaidn  



@Jordan2 - What a heartfelt positive post! Everyone should see it.




I wish you all, and anyone else who finds herself alone, a Happy Thanksgiving! We will be thinking of you!   Smiley Happy



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Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Hugging You On Thanksgiving!