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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set



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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@MaverDaver wrote:

I'm guessing he must have been pointing the gun at those souls and pulling the trigger (fooling around). Media not even going there.

@MaverDaver  How on earth would you know that? Ridiculous! Why would the media go with such a dumb statement?

@proudlyfromNJ  And why on earth would you ask that when she said right off the bat she is guessing. Guessing and knowing do not have the same meaning. 

@Pearlee  Because I thought it was the silliest guess. Is that ok by you? If not, don't read my posts. 

@proudlyfromNJ  You needn't have jumped down her throat for stating exactly what she was doing -- guessing. And you didn't express what you just wrote to me, that isn't what you posted.  So no it's not OK, and I don't have to "obey" your order. You and Alec have something in common, i e being quick to get angry.

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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set

Does anyone remember a model turned actor Jon-Erik Hexum? He was on this show Cover Up with Jennifer O'Neill and accidentally killed himself by a self inflicted blank cartridge gun shot to the head in 1984. He was 27 years old with a very promising career ahead of him ( he was also very good looking). With all the special effects and editing, why can't they put the gunshot in at a later date? Also you wouldn't think blank cartridges could cause such harm. 

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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set


   NOT getting a lot of facts here.


I was under the impression Mr Baldwin was on the set as a producer, not as an actor.

Some here are assuming he was there as an actor.


I left and went to read the latest info at a few websites. It's at this stage:

    The more that is known the more questions are being asked.


So be patient and please stop thinking someone here is right or wrong about how/what/why happened.


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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set

@x Hedge wrote:


   NOT getting a lot of facts here.


I was under the impression Mr Baldwin was on the set as a producer, not as an actor.

Some here are assuming he was there as an actor.


I left and went to read the latest info at a few websites. It's at this stage:

    The more that is known the more questions are being asked.


So be patient and please stop thinking someone here is right or wrong about how/what/why happened.


He is the actor playing the part of a Grandfather.  Maybe he is doing both for this movie.

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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set

I heard this on the radio this morning and immediately I thought was this to be part of the movie or what? Then it crossed my mind that just recently I seen an episode of Perry Mason where the "prop" gun killed the leading man with a live bullet. The writer wanted him dead. I know this is just a show, but that is what came to my mind right away. I thought it couldn't be true that Baldwin killed someone. I can't imagine how he feels or the families involved feel.

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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set

I agree with your comments.  He is not a man I admire or respect.  Given that, I can't imagine the horror he must feel from this this incident.  A terrible tragedy that would be an immense burden for anyone in the same situation.  

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Nancy Drew wrote:

Alec Baldwin is sloppy in every way. His rage on minor things, his political rants, his this. 

@Nancy Drew  Yes you are right. I can't believe a person really acts this way. Have never seen anyone with this type of behavior. Getting so angry, and the rants and ravings. Why would anyone act like that? Unhinged maybe.


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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set



Yes, he's credited as a producer.

So as questions multiply, was he on set and handling the firearm

as a producer or as an actor?


What was the conversation?

Was he receiving direction?

Was he expounding on production values, or budget, or...


Was the firearm handed to him for use in the scene?

Was he bringing it on set for another actor?

Protocol for firearms is very strict, and one always handles a gun as though it's loaded, even when you know it isn't.


More questions than answers right now.



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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set

@gaga   Some things we can control....our actions, words, thoughts; others we can't.

@gaga wrote:

This was a horrible accident & is it just me or does Alec Baldwin life seem to spin out of control all the time??  Between his Anger problems with his Daughter & the press, his wife's claims & all the other things in the news, he seems to have very bad luck.  I think he is very funny & I enjoy him on TV & Movies, but honestly he just can't seem to catch a break.  This has to be devastating for him & all the families involved.  I hope he can find some peace with this tragedy! 


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Re: Alec Baldwin Fired a Prop Gun Killing a Crew Member & Injuring a Director on a Film Set

@x Hedge 


“When told he needed to shoot the scene again, Baldwin jokingly said "why don't I just shoot the two of you" then aimed and began firing the gun. Afterward Baldwin repeatedly asked “why was I handed a hot gun?” while the woman bled out. The Daily Mail reported.”


The under sheriff in New Mexico said a crew member told him the same story.