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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

I am a stylish 60 year old grandma of twin 6 year olds and if you asked them I am ooold! lol

may good luck be your friend in whatever you do
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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

No 65 isn't elderly- how stupid!  and I say, change the little age boxes too.. people are living longer... the last little box should be from 90-120...  Us in the 60 categories are middle aged!!!  Minus ovaries, menopause and etc. LOL LOL .. 

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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

I'm past 70 (I won't admit by how much, but not THAT much), and I don't mind being a "senior citizen" because I get lots of perks, discounts, etc.  But I certainly don't consider myself elderly, my neighbor is elderly, she is 87 and can hardly get around and needs someone to help her.  I dress stylishly, I think young (I used to have a t-shirt that said "I'm not old, I'm a recycled teenager" - and I wore it out!), and I still drive a red sports car, so "elderly" I'm not.  In fact, I go in the grocery store sometimes and forget it's senior citizens day and wonder why there are so many "old people" in the store! (Shame on me...) And I still believe in that old saying "I'm not getting older, I'm getting better!" happy smiley emoticon

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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

It's only a word, doesn't offend me, I don't care

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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

at this point in my life i dont see the word "elderly" as being a negative term at all. i think i would prefer to be called "elderly" over "old."


i dont like those phrases "90 is the new 70" or "50 is the new 30."


i like the term "experienced" a lot better. LOL

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

@sunshine45 wrote:

at this point in my life i dont see the word "elderly" as being a negative term at all. i think i would prefer to be called "elderly" over "old."


i dont like those phrases "90 is the new 70" or "50 is the new 30."


i like the term "experienced" a lot better. LOL

That's nothing but wishful thinking ,on their part

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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

@kittymomNC. I am in the same age bracket.  About 2 years ago a young lady carded me when I asked for my senior discount.  I guess I'm not doing to bad.  My doctor says I'm doing very well.


I wore out my recycled teenager t-shirt and now need to get a Garfield t-shirt.   "I'm not over weight I'm under tall".    Or as the comic says I'm fluffy.  We are aging like fine wine.  In a few months the sun will come out, it will warm up and the ladies and I will be back to weekend music from the bands at our favorite winery overlooking the lake.

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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

I'm 62 and don't feel old at all.  I don't think it's an attractive word. Elderly to me just implies frailty while "senior" conjures up images of wisdom, experience & strength.

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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

@Perkup wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I guess I thought of elderly as about 75.  A newscaster was on TV and said that 65 was elderly.  Today I just do not think of the  age decade of 60 as eldery. Maybe years ago when people were considered old at 50.

This is one of the best reasons ever to "Change the Channel".  

@Perkup   I'd speak louder than "change the channel".   It's so easy now with email and social media to give people your opinion.   I'm sure youngsters in broadcasting have no idea it's offensive to some.   Why don't you people speak up or "perkup"?

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Re: Age 65 is called Elderly?

I was watching a tv show  the person they were referring to was 55 years old and they referred to her as "an elderly lady".  When I saw my friend who's the same age as me (we were also 55), I told her "hey, we're considered elderly" we had a good laugh.  I'll tell you what though, when I was 50 a shoe store had their "senior discounts" starting at that age.  I was liking that, couldn't wait until i qualified for more senior discounts.