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Tree came down last Sunday.  Rest of the stuff got packed away yesterday.  Now, back to normal.

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I have a very large nativity that in a large niche in my foyer that I keep out all year long.  I love to look at it and fills that space beautifully.  Other than that, things are put up except for the "winter wreath" on a standing wreath hanger I bought for my kitchen (by my sink) that will be there until the Spring one replaces it.   The Costco live wreath on my front door apparently was a nesting place for some birds.  

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I usually take everything down but leave the tree up til the New Year, but this time I took everything down last weekend.

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My condo is fairly small, so, I tend to take down decorations, between Christmas and New Years, no specific day, just when the inspiration hits 🌲

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I don't have a specific day/time to take it down.  It's whenever we have the time and the desire to pack it all away. 


I always enjoy my decorations.  I do like getting the house back to "normal," but everyone enjoys them and having them up.  



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Our Christmas decorations stay up through Epiphany.  

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All down and packed away by New Years...same for outside, weather permitting...

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Most came down today....outside stuff we will do this weekend.

Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it
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I didn't do a lot of decorating this year so I don''t have much to take down and put away. I no doubt will have everything put away by Sunday.

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My grandmother was a tiny little Irish woman who was very superstitious.  She had so many superstitions that we grew up hearing.  One of them was not to let the New Year come in with the Christmas tree from the following year still up.  Apparently, she believed it would bring all the bad things from the previous year  into the new year.  We always took our tree down before the new year and would have our own bonfire with the tree. 


When my girls were little, we left our tree up so long one year until I actually hung Valentines on it. Smiley LOL  They were thrilled.  But now, that I am older, and my children are grown and gone, it seems once Christmas is over, I take it down a couple of days after Christmas.  I will leave out my window lights and poinsettias so that it's still festive for New Years, but the tree is gone.


Oh, and I always burn my bayberry candle for New Years Day. 


"Burn a bayberry candle to the socket, and there will be health in your family and wealth in your pocket."


Guess I'm a little superstitious myself!Smiley LOL