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Affluenza Mom has another son

This son is in court testifying for his mom to get her bond lowered from $1M to $25,000. He is 29, married with two kids, and Mom would move in with him. 

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

This whole scenario is so crazy. I wish they would lock her up and throw away the key.

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

Really? I saw her defence team are trying the mentally ill, thing!!! RIDICULOUS!!!!

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

She is trying to find ANY way to get off without having to be held accountable. Sadly, neither her other son (or whomever he is) or her lawyer is doing her any favors. Until she understands she IS must be held accountable for her actions, she will continue to be a user and irresponsible ....and NEVER change.

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

Where's the husband/father in all of this?  No one talks about him.  Is there one?

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

I have only read (courtesy of Yahoo when I sign on) that dad and mom separated and she took 30K from their account and left a note saying "you'll never see me again".


He has been help authorities so I get the feeling he is trying to distance himself from this loony bird. Sadly, there have been suggestions that her relationship with the son isn't exactly the norm for mother and son and well, if so..... how terrible.


I don't like this woman and well, there it is. I think there's so much MORE to the store regarding the family then anyone knows.....

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

[ Edited ]

Judge orders:

- Bond set at $75,000

- Home confinement 24 HR/day

- Stay with older son

- Must stay off social media

- No alcohol

- Regular drug tests

- No access to weapons

- Report to court weekly


Psych evaluation ordered


(Source: DFW news Twitter feed)

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

@SahmIam wrote:

I have only read (courtesy of Yahoo when I sign on) that dad and mom separated and she took 30K from their account and left a note saying "you'll never see me again".


He has been help authorities so I get the feeling he is trying to distance himself from this loony bird. Sadly, there have been suggestions that her relationship with the son isn't exactly the norm for mother and son and well, if so..... how terrible.


I don't like this woman and well, there it is. I think there's so much MORE to the store regarding the family then anyone knows.....


I had recently read that the dad was arrested for impersonating a police officer in either Arizona or New Mexico.  Quite the crew!!

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

I wonder if being on this board would fall under the restriction to "stay off social media." That's the one I would struggle with, lol!

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Re: Affluenza Mom has another son

@MaggieMack wrote:

I wonder if being on this board would fall under the restriction to "stay off social media." That's the one I would struggle with, lol!


No, that would only apply to people that realize laws and rules are meant to include them so affluenza mom would be exempt.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.