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Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

Your kids are going to be just fine. Don’t let any teacher, coach, or relative tell you otherwise.
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

Don't have children
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Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

@sugar plum wrote:

I tend towards being cynical for many reasons, so I would say trust no one until proven otherwise.

I know that sounds harsh, however until you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes...


I was always very trusting. That all changed in 2017. I no longer trust people to say or do the right thing.  

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Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?


A Type A personality and ambition at work is not the be-all, end-all. There is more to life than work and no one will care when you leave or retire.


Enjoy the journey. Don't take the hard times to heart. We all have them, some worse than others.  


Stay strong and believe in yourself.


Be kind.


Spend time and money to help the vulnerable and poor. Nothing is better than helping others who need a hand.

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Posts: 2,390
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

[ Edited ]
  • "Please yourself...not your parents."
  • "Marry someone you cannot live without...not just someone you can live with."
  • "Everyone should experience at least one great love. No matter the outcome. It will make you intensely happy!"
  • "Sit on and get up off the floor everyday! One day you won't  be able too!"
  • "Do Jump n' Jacks day you won't be able to do them either!"
  • Don't let yourself get overweight. It's too hard to lose!" (Diet when you get 5 lbs.over)
  • "Don't  buy coffee and end tables that are both glass and wood. They are too hard to clean!"
  • "Don't acquire too many things. They just clutter up your house and eventually you'll want to get rid of them."
  • "Keep a landline phone. It's the only way to find your cell phone!"
  • "Do for others without expecting anything back." "Always be Kind!"
  • "Don't plan your life by what others do. There is no map for your journey. Do what's good for you and yours so that when you look back, you won't have any regrets!"
  • "Keep your life private. You'll be happier and you have nothing to prove."
  • "You only need a small circle of good close friends!"
  • "Live by example."
  • "Be grateful, Always!"
  • Listen to those older and wiser than you(some of them Do know what they are talking about). You don't always have to touch the fire to see how hot it is!"
  • "Enjoy every minute with your babies. They grow up real fast!"
  • "Laugh, smile and try to be happy whenever, wherever you can. Life really IS SHORT! won't really realize that until you see yourself on the downside of the mountain!"
  • "Make others happy whenever you can. You never know what someone else is going through."
  • "Notice the little things...especially in nature...the sun, the moon, the stars, flowers, birds, the rain, the wind, etc. The best things in life really are free!"
  • "Your smile is the best thing you can wear. It's easy to do and may bring joy to someone's day. And if nothing else, to yours!"
  • Above all...pray! Prayer calms the spirit. So however, to whoever or whatever you believe in, do it!"


"Kindness is like snow ~It beautifies everything it covers"
-Kahlil Gibran
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Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

[ Edited ]

Thought of another one as I finished greasing the riding mower...( and NO I didn't use Maran grease....just your regular stick of grease in a grease gun.....)



For MOST little operation and maintenance jobs around the house....


"You don't need a (male organ).....just good tools and the maintenance manual!! ( or You Tube!!)"





Because....most things are put together by a person, an can be taken apart by a person!!!





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Posts: 35,181
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@sugar plum wrote:

I tend towards being cynical for many reasons, so I would say trust no one until proven otherwise.

I know that sounds harsh, however until you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes...

@sugar plum  My mom told me more than once," don't tell anyone something you don't want other people to know. You can't trust anyone."

@PA Mom-mom 


Was your mother Italian, too? Woman Wink

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

"If someone LOVES you, they do NOT isolate you from your friends and family, call you filthy and insulting names, or ...and don't let it come to this even ONE TIME....lay a hand on you".


Teach your kids that from day one, girl or boy....leave at isolation. You will NEVER "change" them.




"That lock on the basement door and on the door of your childhood bedroom is there for a reason....when you graduate high school, it's college, a job or the military. No mushrooming in the darkness in perpetual childhood....."

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Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

Travel light.


My mother always seemed annoyed that my father never wanted to acquire "things."


Now that I'm older and have seen how much of what we collect and attach so much importance to ends up lost or destroyed, I'm thinking he had a point.


You really can't take it with you.  Better to save some cash instead.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ?Advice yr Oldr Self wld give to yr Youngr Self?

Pay close attention to your parents.


You will most likely end up like your mother and live with a partner who is like your father.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~