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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

When I was younger and newly married almost every weekend I would go to the mall for at least a couple of hours to try on clothes, look at stuff, see what’s new, etc. I almost always bought something. Now when I do go to the mall it’s to go into 1 maybe 2 stores. Get what I need and leave. Half the time they don’t have my size or I can get it cheaper online. I’ve tried to recapture the thrill of going to a mall recently by saying “on Saturday I’m going to check out the mall and see what they have” only to check out a few things and get bored and leave. I can do than in the comfort of my home. Malls aren’t fun anymore. 

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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

Went to my local Acme Supermarket last night, I knew they are closing early Nov, there was very little dairy on the shelves and the manager was posting the store closing sign.

The market is on the rear side of a strip mall on a busy street, before Acme the site was an A and P, it is sad since I have gotten use to shopping at this market

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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

Some of these store closings have nothing to do with the consumer.   Retail is a business, yes the consumer is a piece of the puzzle but many closings are due to a strictly business decision based on economics, sometimes a management failure.


I won't miss Walgreens.   They purchased Rite Aid, put them out of business and where I live there's a Walgreen on every major intersection.   Although I will say, it's the only 24 hours pharmacy in my city.    We do have a hospital, in an emergency, you can get a script filled there.   Their pharmacy is not open to the public after hours but there is always a pharmacist on duty 24/7.


I will miss Charming Charlie.   I'm sad about Dressbarn & Gap.   I love all the Gap brands, good quality at a decent price.


I'm curious to see what happens with Dollar Tree and Family Dollar.   


Bottom line, I don't spend enough money at any of these stores to matter.

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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

Quit blaming Amazon and online retailers.  Most people will go with the most efficient and economical way to shop.  At one time we had to make the time to go to B & M stores or do without.  I rarely if ever tried on clothing in the stores but took them home and then often had to make another trip to return or exchange things.  I always hated wasting time shopping so I just about always catalog shopped when I was younger and avoided having to go to stores when I wanted something.  That also gave me access to much more interesting and unique clothing and products.    It is more and more obvious that going to malls and stores locally is a thing of the past for most now.   

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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

There are drug stores,and banks on just about every corner around here, i have not been in a drug store for a long time ,the mall here is just a Shadow of what it once was.

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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

My husband used to work as a manufacturer 's rep to major department stores. About  20 years ago, he said that we were "over retailing".  My son worked as an accountant for a large grocery chain, and he commented that they would build a new store or take over a closed store so that no one else in the grocery business could move in. More stores than the consumers could support. I feel bad for anyone that loses a job, but many of these companies have made decisions that have caught up with them.

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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

@Meowingkitty wrote:

When I was younger and newly married almost every weekend I would go to the mall for at least a couple of hours to try on clothes, look at stuff, see what’s new, etc. I almost always bought something. Now when I do go to the mall it’s to go into 1 maybe 2 stores. Get what I need and leave. Half the time they don’t have my size or I can get it cheaper online. I’ve tried to recapture the thrill of going to a mall recently by saying “on Saturday I’m going to check out the mall and see what they have” only to check out a few things and get bored and leave. I can do than in the comfort of my home. Malls aren’t fun anymore. 

I feel exactly the same as you do about shopping in malls these days.  I go occasionally but it never seems the same as it did in my younger years.


I'll add one more dimension to it, as well.  When I do go to a mall, for whatever purpose, I find the experience extremely depressing.  Extremely sad and depressing.


I don't know if it's because the malls seem a little "dead", although I much prefer them quiet, and I purposefully go at quiet times (avoiding evenings and weekends), or if the atmosphere reminds me of shopping in my past, feeling sad about the loss of certain things as years go by. 


I'm not sure, but it never fails....I always find malls depressing these days.


I would be sorry to see them disappear completely, though, since I still like to go out to a real store now and again.  I tend to go to smaller malls that have stores like Marshalls, TJMaxx and stores like that.

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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

Retail is brutally competitive and Darwinian. The fittest survive, the rest perish. If you're doing something well and making money doing it, others will copy what you're doing and steal your customers. If you've got a product that's selling well, others will get that same product, or something similar, undercut your price and steal your business. Unless you're doing something others can't do, you've got to fight to stay alive every minute of the day in retail. This is just how retail works and has always worked. I can rattle off the names of multiple chains that were enormously successful for a while, but are now gone. No one stays on top forever. Somewhere out there is, or soon will be, a Walmart killer, an Amazon killer, and behind them somewhere is a company that will kill them. This is the nature of retail. It is a brutal space where no one survives for long.

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Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

[ Edited ]




 I watched BIG companies take away most small mom and pop businesses. Technology marches on and now those companies are feeling the same loss. Our country, in my lifetime, has always been based on capitalism. Now most businesses take advantage of technology, as do most customers.


It's a shame in some ways for sure, but those in any retail business have to stay "ahead of the curve", or they probably won't survive in this era. Don't know about you, but most of the things I buy are via the online retailers. Convenient and generally much cheaper. That's a hard thing to compete against.


I always keep in mind the unemployment numbers are the lowest they have been in many decades, as are the types of jobs. Don't like seeing anyone lose their job. I watched as the BIG manufacturing plant where I was employed moved to another country. Fortunately it was after I retired.





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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: 😟 Additional B&M store closings

Our Pat Catan's closed several months ago and is re-opening as Michael's this weekend.  


I can't really say I'm shocked about Walgreens.  It seems there is a store on every corner.


Sad what is happening. So many people are going to be out of jobs.  I just saw this morning that Cisco is laying off 500 employees.