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Re: Active shooter UCLA

[ Edited ]

@Noel7 wrote:

@YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@SydneyH wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:



The gun-free zones around here have mostly been a response to the open-carry idiots who troll the aisles of Target, Walmart and other places, scaring the k-rap out of moms with little kids.

That may be so, however they aren't stopping these types of crimes.



No, they are not.  But that wasn't the purpose for them here.


There were photos of them, smirking and acting like they were hot stuff.  They routinely trolled the toy aisles.


WTH?  Something is wrong with those people.  The rule gave the stores backing to ask them to leave.

I've seen people open carry in stores.

None of them acted like that.



You haven't been to every store, I'm assuming.  There were photos of them online at the time it was an issue.


Maybe they wouldn't bother you but it bothered other people.  I have to wonder who would be bothered if they looked a certain way... armed and all.

But your state doesn't allow open carry.   This map is off a little since it is two years old.  Texas is now open carry



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I, for one, would much prefer to "take my chances" in a gun free zone that the odds are less that I will be shot by someone illegally carrying 




to be out minding my own business wondering if all the people around me are "carrying" legally and may get have the impulse to shoot at any given moment.


Statistically, I think example 2 would put me in more danger.

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@Marianne1 wrote:

I, for one, would much prefer to "take my chances" in a gun free zone that the odds are less that I will be shot by someone illegally carrying 




to be out minding my own business wondering if all the people around me are "carrying" legally and may get have the impulse to shoot at any given moment.


Statistically, I think example 2 would put me in more danger.


And those are the people they are looking for.  I never want to rely on "gun free zones".  I don't think you're in any more danger with open carry. 

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I live in an Open Carry state, which means that I can strap my six shooter on over my skirt and go anywhere I want. But, I cannot carry a concealed weapon in my handbag unless I have a permit to do so. We have a rather Wild West attitude where I live and I have yet to see someone walking around with a gun, unless it's law enforcement. I do know many people, though, including many women, who carry a concealed weapon all the time.

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"those are the people they are looking for"  ?  


I don't think so.  


They are looking for victims, either one's they know- or great numbers of strangers to do harm-- but not people who wish to not carry.


Like I said, I am more worried about the impulse control of an angry person on any given day that happens to be carrying, than someone with "a plan".


My opinion.  I just do not think that a person's right to own guns needs to be in every moment of every day in every place they are.  Some areas are better served to be gun free.  

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@Marianne1 wrote:

"those are the people they are looking for"  ?  


I don't think so.  


They are looking for victims, either one's they know- or great numbers of strangers to do harm-- but not people who wish to not carry.


Like I said, I am more worried about the impulse control of an angry person on any given day that happens to be carrying, than someone with "a plan".


My opinion.  I just do not think that a person's right to own guns needs to be in every moment of every day in every place they are.  Some areas are better served to be gun free.  


I should have phrased it differently.  They are looking for those "gun free zones".  Yes, they may have a person in mind (or not), but the opportunity is greater in the gun free zones because that doesn't even allow anyone in authority to carry a weapon.  Such as schools.  I'm all for teachers having guns.  And it goes without saying that they are trained.

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@esmeraldagooch wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@SydneyH wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:



The gun-free zones around here have mostly been a response to the open-carry idiots who troll the aisles of Target, Walmart and other places, scaring the k-rap out of moms with little kids.

That may be so, however they aren't stopping these types of crimes.



No, they are not.  But that wasn't the purpose for them here.


There were photos of them, smirking and acting like they were hot stuff.  They routinely trolled the toy aisles.


WTH?  Something is wrong with those people.  The rule gave the stores backing to ask them to leave.

I've seen people open carry in stores.

None of them acted like that.



You haven't been to every store, I'm assuming.  There were photos of them online at the time it was an issue.


Maybe they wouldn't bother you but it bothered other people.  I have to wonder who would be bothered if they looked a certain way... armed and all.

But your state doesn't allow open carry.   This map is off a little since it is two years old.  Texas is now open carry





Allowed or not, they challenged the ruling.  Protest, you know. 



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2010 San Jose Mercury News article about the then growing Open Carry Movement in the SF Bay Area.  And you thought it couldn't happen here...


Open gun carry events growing in Bay Area

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Registered: ‎04-16-2013

Re: Active shooter UCLA

[ Edited ]

gun free zones should beef up their own  in house security if that is the issue then,  


I just don't think guns need to be everywhere, carried by everyone.


I know this is one example, but it is local to me and recent:  


a man was in church.  the man behind him told him that his seat was actually belonging to someone else.  The first man got upset, words exchanged.  The minister, and an usher came over and talked to them, calming it.  


Then a totally different man came over -- pulled out his c/c gun "badge" (he printed it from the Internet, according to police).  He also pulled out his gun, on his way over to the now resolved situation.  He inserted himself, told the 1st man to leave.  The man said no, everything was ok now.


Words exchanged, the gun holder got quite aggressive and tried to force him to leave, the 1st man hit him (with his hand, fist)


The man w/the gun shot and killed him.  He said it was in self defense.  


He is facing murder charges now, no self defense since he inserted himself.  He literally brought a gun to a verbal altercation, and shot an unarmed man.  He had no authority in the church.

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I don't want to be in the same place as people who have guns. 


I do not feel safer.  I feel more like a sitting duck.