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Nice pictures!  Cute doggie!

Thanks for sharing!

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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@Kachina624 wrote:

Beautiful trees.  We have mostly yellow trees here, aspen and cottonwood, so the red trees are a real treat.


@tends2dogs  Are you going to have Willoughby herding instinct Tested?  It's an AKC test and if he passes, he can use the initials H.I.C. after his name.  I've had 2 collies and an Aussie tested and they all passed.


The test consists of them being in a pen or corral with 3 or 4 sheep and an AKC judge who directs traffic.  The dogs' reaction is what determines whether or not they have the herding instinct.  It is the most awesome thing to watch the mutt that lazes in your living room, suddenly come alive, realize he's a herding dog, and take off after the sheep.


Often herding clubs use the test as a fund raiser in conjunction with dog shows.  Usually costs about $60. as I recall.

@Kachina624   How interesting.  I have never heard of this.  He does tend to walk back and forth in front of us and have heard that is a herding instinct.  He certainly has the nipping at the heels thing down......we are trying to break him of that.  This would be a fun event to go watch.  Thanks for the heads up!


About the red trees - they really take my breath away.

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@pupwhipped  so sorry to hear about your knee.  It HAS to get better, doesn't it??  I wondered if something was up when I hadn't seen you posting much. 


I'll tell you, Willoughby is giving us a run for our money......I guess we forgot that we are old f@$ts!!..  It is funny how you remember your past dogs as being angels....even in the puppy stages HA!!  We have been held up leaving for, not dog Smiley Happy so we are enjoying fall for the first time in a long time.  We are freezing our butts off. Smiley Happy


Hey, you are in my prayers for a complete healing of that knee.  You have got to be able to take walks again.....maybe with a dog?????


Take care and don't be a stranger Smiley Happy.

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!
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I agree with you, and I'm sure Willoughby!  I  took my pooch out today for our regular walk, and the colors were gorgeous.  When we came back home, I was just in awe of the colors in my front yard.  We have a beautiful red maple, with 50% of the leaves all over the lawn.  It was quite spectacular.  

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Willoughby is so cute and the trees are gorgeous.  Thanks for sharing your walk with us,  Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

The trees are beautiful.  We don't have change of leaves like this here in So. CA.  But more than the trees, I love you dog!  What a beauty!!