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I had planned to work until I was 70 but ending up retiring at 60.  There were some family emergencies and my husband developed some health issues. 


It took me a while to adjust.  I missed my coworkers and my job.  Now I’m very happily retired and can’t imagine working again.  Even though we’ve faced some serious challenges we’ve also been very blessed.   


Re health insurance, my husband’s retirement benefits included health insurance and I was covered under his policy so that wasn’t a problem for us. 

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It's complicated, isn't it.

Your health and your spouse health dictate retirement for many.

Others have concerns about health coverage and/or financial.

While others have work burn out or maybe not finding employment fullfilling.


I had the best job I could ever have wanted. I miss people. I miss making important decisons. I miss being asked for my opinion.


Moving nearer to grand children has not afforded us with more family contact. They are very busy and I understand. We moved from our home of 40+ years and all those memories. Our house now is lovely but no real emotional attachment. Think hard before you move from you home.


At what ever age you are, work hard to keep yourself healthy. 

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I did not necessarily retire but I stopped working (where I received a paycheck) in my late 30's. The first reason is I developed a severe health issue. I was able to manage it and then I went on to help a sister who developed stage 4 cancer (she is now 18 yrs out). I helped that sister when she adopted her child. I helped other siblings at times with their children and I was able to be there for my parents. I lost my father two yrs ago. My mother does have health issues and I try to be there for her and others. 


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I retired at age 62.  I didn't have health problems or any specific reason.  But the opportunity presented itself and I just decided I would love to spend the time being a grandma before the teenage years hit and do some things I never seem to have time to do. DH had already retired and was already having all of the fun.  


I had the opportunity to teach part time and still do some things, which is really what I thought I would end up doing.  To my surprise I have not taken one of those offers.  Instead, I am doing things that I never had time to do when I was working.  I am also very surprised that I discovered I love working in the yard and fiddling with plants and flowers.  Who knew??  lol   


In my case, it really is true that my days are so full that I wonder how I ever had the time to work.  The difference is though, when I am tired and ready to take a break.....I can and do!  

* Freedom has a taste the protected will never know *
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@Catiele wrote:

I went back to work when my youngest was in high school. It was part time. My parents were in their late eighties and early nineties and they needed me. Mid fifties when I retired. Had cardiomyopathy. A very enlarged heart. He said get the papers. I will sign them. Had a pacemaker put in to regulate my heart. This one is my third one. My parents were 95 and 99 when they passed. There was so much to do for them. I honestly don't know how I did it. 


@Catiele ...I will tell you how you did did out of love.  I admire every single person who helps or helped their parents.  Too many people are thrown out with the dishwater by their children, it's a crime.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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@granddi wrote:

It's complicated, isn't it.

Your health and your spouse health dictate retirement for many.

Others have concerns about health coverage and/or financial.

While others have work burn out or maybe not finding employment fullfilling.


I had the best job I could ever have wanted. I miss people. I miss making important decisons. I miss being asked for my opinion.


Moving nearer to grand children has not afforded us with more family contact. They are very busy and I understand. We moved from our home of 40+ years and all those memories. Our house now is lovely but no real emotional attachment. Think hard before you move from you home.


At what ever age you are, work hard to keep yourself healthy. 

@granddi ...Oh, how familiar that sounds, missing people, miss making decisions, miss being asked for an opinion.  That's me too, and after being away from it since the year 2001 I still miss it.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


@msgb wrote:

I did not necessarily retire but I stopped working (where I received a paycheck) in my late 30's. The first reason is I developed a severe health issue. I was able to manage it and then I went on to help a sister who developed stage 4 cancer (she is now 18 yrs out). I helped that sister when she adopted her child. I helped other siblings at times with their children and I was able to be there for my parents. I lost my father two yrs ago. My mother does have health issues and I try to be there for her and others. 


@msgb ...Do you know what an angel you are?  That is exactly what anyone who does what you do is, an angel.  God Bless You.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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I retired 5 months after my 64th birthday.  I was burned out and tired of the daily grind.  I liked my co-workers but I got handed family law instead of real estate that I had done for decades.  I hated  divorce and custody.  The figthing and seeing kids being in the middle was depressing.


Five weeks after I retired my DH, who had retired in 2011, was diagnosed with Stage 3 rectal cancer.  He also had prostate cancer.  It hadn't spread, it 2 separate cancers.  I would have had to quit anyyway to help him.  He had chemo and radiation, then surgery. Hormone shots took care of the prostate.  He then developed a staph infection after an 8 hr. surgery. The infection caused delirium.  It took a long time for him be be "him" again.


He  no sooner recovered and was doing well, then I had a small stroke, developed high blood pressure, then I needed a hip replacement.


He died in May of 2019 of something totally unrelated to his cancer.  All of his scans were good.


I just had a knee replaced and found out I am pre-diabetic.


All in all retirement has suxed.

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Posts: 321
Registered: ‎09-18-2019


@Lindsays Grandma 


Thank you..I sure hope that this year is a good one.  We can always use one of them..I am sorry about your bad experiences with back surgery. May I ask you what the reason was that they took out the screws? And did that help your pain at all? I am curious because I have never heard of that before.

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Posts: 321
Registered: ‎09-18-2019


@bathina wrote:
For those who retired early, how are you able to get health insurance? Isnt it prohibitively expensive? If it wasn't for health insurance, I'd hand in my resignation in a heartbeat.

       I am lucky when it comes to insurance.. My husband was in the military and we have Tricare.. Medicare is primary but then Tricare kicks in..We don't pay for anything. prescriptions, tests, etc. Now vision and dental are different. We do have separate policies for them.