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Yes, when I was working  I freshened up things before work while getting dressed....


but now  retired....only if something is really wrinkled..... otherwise never


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If something needs ironing, I iron it.  I hate seeing people wearing wrinkled clothing.  That said, I don't put most of my clothing in the dryer.  I hang it to dry.  I hardly have wrinkles.


I iron pillow cases and the top half of the top sheet before I make the bed.  My grandkids love sleeping over.  They said my sheets are so comfortable and smell great.


My husband the three adult children iron too. 

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I do not iron.  If it needs to be ironed I do not buy it.  When I worked I did spend a lot of money at the dry cleaners as work suits and dresses required dry cleaning. 


I do not own an iron or an ironing board.  Got rid of them years ago as something that was just taking up space.  I once had a basket of clothes that needed to be ironed.  After almost a year of that basket sitting in the closet, I dumped everything in it in the trash without even looking to see what was in it.  I figured if I hadn't missed it in a year or ironed it in a year, I didn't need it and couldn't donate as it would need ironed first!

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I don't have an issue with ironing.  Doesn't bother me at all.


I have lots of clothes that require ironing.

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I do iron, but only have a few blouses that need it and occasionally DH's dress shirts.  

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Interesting replies and perspective!  For me, if something needs to be dry cleaned, that's a deal breaker for me.  Had my fill of dry cleaners from my working life.  

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See the source image


We do not appreciate ironing!

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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I always iron my clothes, even jeans. Just can't stand wearing wrinkled clothing, helps me feel better to look my best.


I do not iron sheets, no way no how. 

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@tucsongal wrote:

I never iron. I keep a spray bottle of water in the closet; a quick spritz and wipe the wrinkles out and done. If I need something in a hurry, a damp towel in the dryer works.

      I've tried both of those ideas plus the hang it in the bathroom when you shower.  None of those ideas has ever worked for me.   So, yes I iron and don't mind it.  

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@Pezzie wrote:

Recently I read a review where the reviewer gave the item one star, because it had to be ironed after laundering.  That is not a deal breaker for me, as I iron every week.  I am not saying that I love to iron, but I hate wrinkled clothes more.  I also iron my dish towels and pillow cases.

i just turn on the TV, iron and zone out.  
So if an item requires ironing, is it a deal breaker for you? 

Nope, not a deal breaker for me.. I love cotton or linen capris, pants and shorts in the summertime.  They require ironing to look presentable.   And I love having my clothes looking neat and pressed.  They just look so much better.  I don't mind the ironing at all.