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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

On 2/18/2014 Qwackertoo said:
On 2/18/2014 Qwackertoo said:
On 2/18/2014 tansy said: Curious, Qwacker, but have you ever voted a different party for the president?

Why, yes I have. Smiley Happy

What lever do you think I might pull 100% of the time?

Actually make that TWICE. Smiley Happy

And I'm not opposed to mixing it up again in the future. Smiley Happy

I don't fit in a neat little box. Tied up with pretty ribbon and a bow. Smiley Happy

Quacker, count me in as a voter who considers the candidate and their plans and actions to keep this country safe and prosperous, not their party affiliation. I have "pulled the lever" for dems, reps, and the occasional independent.

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

From reading comments made by first ladies over the years, it seems to me some of them go into the elections and political offices willingly and even with great relish while others are less enthusiastic. I think it’s unfair to rate them as this report does, as if pitting them against one another. I’ve heard a saying that we “get two for the price of one” in a presidential couple, and while there are benefits to the role I think it’s an extremely difficult position which is bound to be hard on the individuals and on the family as a whole. I believe each first lady makes contributions that are evident and, also, many that we never see, we never know about.

Just looking at the link, it’s called a “survey of historians and experts” and was done by the Siena Research Institute (which appears to be a polling entity) affiliated with Siena College.

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

On 2/18/2014 Qwackertoo said:
On 2/18/2014 RainCityGirl said:
On 2/18/2014 lulu2 said:
On 2/18/2014 Qwackertoo said:
On 2/18/2014 lulu2 said:

I think it is wrong to rank the First Lady. None of them asked for the job. I'm sure they all made contributions history knows nothing about.

I admire all of them. It cannot be easy living in a fishbowl.

I agree. It isn't like they actively sought office and were on a ballot voted upon by the voters.

It isn't a popularity contest.

They've all had their special "causes".

They're all great. And have all served the American People in their own way.

It's nice to see someone agrees with me.

Funny how some posters admire only the FL affiliated with certain parties.{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Yes isn't it? But which parties? I see the same thing from the right as from the left, so what's your point?

Well that leaves out a small but growing group who are neither left nor right. So much around here centers (no pun intended) on right or left . . . there can be no in-between but yet there is. Smiley Happy

That may very well be, but I was commenting on the snide comments made and aimed at one particular party when it seems to me that just as much was coming from the other party. Of course there were strong first ladies and first ladies devoid of any salient characteristics from both parties. But someone always has to get resentful about a list, which by all appearances is just a survey on any given day. Some can't help themselves. What it all boils down to is that our first ladies have all left impressions and contributions, so perhaps they shouldn't be ranked at all.

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

On 2/18/2014 tansy said:
On 2/18/2014 Qwackertoo said:
On 2/18/2014 tansy said: Curious, Qwacker, but have you ever voted a different party for the president?

Why, yes I have. Smiley Happy

What lever do you think I might pull 100% of the time?

When I talk with independents or libertarians, it usually turns out that they do vote mostly for one party. Thanks for responding kindlySmiley Happy

Yes, I know many time the I's just don't want to "lock" themselves into associating with one or another and afraid of commitment or it is analyzed that way by the political science prof's . . . but yet you are right they do usually almost always vote for one party over the other. Plus, I've heard the I's like being "courted" by both parties in tight races. Smiley Happy Or so "they" who analyze this stuff for a living say. I don't fit their "mold".

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

No matter who was put on this list there would be people who think the ones they dislike were undeserving.....these kinds of surveys prove one thing only ... opinions are just opinions and you either agree or disagree with the outcome of the survey.

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

On 2/18/2014 Opurrra said:
On 2/18/2014 physicsnut said:

First Lady Nancy Reagan, First Lady Laura Bush should have ranked most definitely in the top 5.

Did someone edit your post?

Yes, there are some on this board that only think their opinion should be posted...they TRY to edit others...

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

On 2/18/2014 rolen said:
On 2/17/2014 LyndaGee said:

Ever watch that C-SPAN series called: First Ladies: Influence and Image? Really good. Especially interesting to learn about the earlier and less famous First Ladies. Amazed how well the gowns were preserved after so many years, and fun to see them.

I have been watching the First Ladies series on C-SPAN for the past year. It ended last night and I am so sad! They featured one First Lady each week starting with Martha Washington. I learned so much - it has been fascinating. For example - Martha chose George Washington for (among other things!) because he was very tall for the times and he was a 'hunk'. You just don't read things like that in history books.

The host of the entire series is Susan Swain who in just wonderful. They have 2 additional guests who are very familiar with the First Lady being featured. Many times they tour the Presidential Library of that President or have interviews with any living relatives of the First Lady. With the First Ladies who are still alive, they have had a one on one interview with some of them.

I just don't know what I am going to do with my Monday nights now that my First Ladies series has ended! I have always thought that the First Ladies were a lot more interesting than the Presdients.

I feel the same way! That series was sooo well-documented and interesting. Wish they would sell the series on DVDs.

Yes, that was cute about Martha and George. On that other series called "The Presidents" on the History Channel, they said George was known to be a good dancer, too!

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

maybe one day men will be arguing over who was the greatest first gentlemen.

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

On 2/18/2014 RainCityGirl said:

That may very well be, but I was commenting on the snide comments made and aimed at one particular party when it seems to me that just as much was coming from the other party. Of course there were strong first ladies and first ladies devoid of any salient characteristics from both parties. But someone always has to get resentful about a list, which by all appearances is just a survey on any given day. Some can't help themselves. What it all boils down to is that our first ladies have all left impressions and contributions, so perhaps they shouldn't be ranked at all.

My SNIDE remark was not aimed at any one party.

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Re: A survey of historians ranks the nation's first ladies

Weren't they originally called Presidential Spouses or White House Hostess?